Pros and cons

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Evan's pov

"And that's how you solve for x" I look at Kate triumphantly after going through our practice test again. "What part are you at in your book?" Kate asks me completely ignoring the fact we are in math right now and should be studying. "Em the part that Katniss finds out she's going back in to the arena" I smile at her before pointing back to the book "stop getting distracted ... now ... math!". She laughs before moving closer to me, leaning over my shoulder so her chin rests on my shoulder. My mind goes blank having not only Kate bishop touching me but she's snuggled into me. Kate gives a smug smile like she knows what she's doing to me. She moves up to my ear and whispers "stop getting distracted Evan" she bites her lip as her face comes back into view. Well shit. Still situated on my shoulder, Kate then points to the test "ok I get that one what about the next one?". She smells amazing and her blue eyes are just ... "Miss Parker" I jolt my attention to the front of the class seeing Mr Conway looking my way. I notice everyone else looking at me, including flash who looks furious at how close Kate is to me right now. "The principal would like to see you after this class" he looks back to his laptop and continues typing away. Everyone else goes back to what they were doing. Before Peter turns round he stick both of his thumbs up and smiles to me. Flash however continues to stare at me in utter rage. Kate being none the wiser to the attention we just had mumbles as she wraps her arms around my closest arm "your really comfy you know". Help me.

"So .... Miss Parker, I bet you're wondering why I'm calling you in here?" Principal Morita asks he as he clasps his hands and leans back in his chair. "Em .... Yeh I guess I mean yeh em ..." I start to panic and bring my nails up to my teeth (I know it's a nasty habit). Principal Morita leans forward releasing a hearty chuckle "relax miss Parker you're not in trouble". Phew I instantly stop biting my nails and drop my hand to my knees waiting for him to continue. "Miss Parker I wanted to chat with you and also your aunt who can't make it in today. So I spoke with her this morning and under no circumstances are you to give me an answer right now. You have some time to think about it. Your math and science capabilities has drawn the attention of some specialised high schools. The bronx high school of science and the Staten Island technical high school have both offered you a place at their school. There is interest from other schools for you to attend but these two in particular would greatly benefit you if this is how you want your school career to continue. If you're wanting to go down the science and math trajectory then I highly recommend that you take these two schools into consideration. Especially if this is what you'd like to focus on in college and after" he pauses to give me a second to collect all my thoughts. "Em ... this is a lot Mr Morita" I quietly mumble feeling overwhelmed by all the information. "I know Evan but you do have time to way up the pros and cons of this. Speak to your friends and your family. You'll know yourself what you need but if you want any more information or just to chat on it more then please just come to my office. I know I have thrown a lot at you just now so go have a think and any questions you have then please come see me ... ok? That's all Evan unless you have any questions just now?" He stands up smoothing out his slacks and wanders slowly to the door. I begin to sit up and grab my bag "thank you Mr Morita, it's a lot just now. But yes I'll have a good think on it" I smile slightly at the older man. "Yes do that Evan and please come see me" he pats me on the shoulder as I walk past him. He closes the door behind me. The hallways are empty right now as everyone else is in class. Giving me a couple of minutes to gather my thoughts and feelings on the possibility of moving schools.

"Hi Mrs Dickinson sorry I'm late, Principal Morita wanted to see me" I open the classroom door and tell the teacher why I'm late to her class. "I know Evan, he emailed me you would be a little late. Congratulations on the offers by the way. Come in take your seat" I nod to mrs Dickinson and start walking to my seat next to Peter. Trying to ignore everyone looking at me and the whispering. I sit down next to Peter as Mrs Dickinson starts her class again. "Guys continue on with your essays" as everyone falls silent again, getting on with their work, Peter nudges me. "What offer? What did Mr Morita want to speak to you about?" He slyly asks me without turning to me, so it looks like he's paying attention to his essay. "I've been offered school transfers to bronx and Staten Island specialist schools for science and math. I've to think about it and get back to him" I start to write my essay not aware of the attention I have from flash who is sitting in front of me. "Girl Parker that's amazing news! Your transferring! I mean if your going please take your dork of a brother with you. Can't leave a nerd behind" flash shouts for everyone to hear. I completely tense up feeling everyone's eyes on me when Mrs Dickinson tells flash to quieten down and get back to his essay. I quickly turn round to see Kate. Kate looks at me shocked and .... Hurt I think. She shifts her focus from me to her notebook in front of her as she slumps in her chair leaning her head on her arms. Amazing! In that one minute of the day I'm given a pro and a con to leaving. Pro I won't have to put up with flash anymore. Kate bishop comes under con.

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