The drop

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Kate's PoV

"Evan baby ... you don't want to hurt me" I huff dodging another of Evan's strikes. "I don't want to hurt you Kate ... I just need to ... distract you" she smiles as I notice Peter swing in and trying to web Yelena. "So you're distracting me by what sparring with me?" I grunt as Evan brings my arm around my back. Holding me in place against her she whispers in my ear "there's lots of ways for me to distract you pretty girl". Yelena who is still dodging peters webs shoots a small taser bullet at Evan. It won't hurt her but it definitely gives me and advantage. As she pulls back trying to tear the taser off her shoulder I turn round swiping her legs out from under her as she lays on the floor. "Sorry baby" I smile before running towards Yelena and Peter. Peter swoops down on his web attempting to knock down Yelena but as he swings I aim my arrow and cut his web causing him to fly across the floor. We run through the terminal towards Bucky and Sam. "Come on" Bucky grunts as we approach them. "What the hell is that?!?" He asks whilst running, pointing at Peter who is swinging in. Peter then breaks the glass knocking Sam straight out of the way as Bucky tries to swing for him "you have a metal arm?!? That's awesome dude". Sam goes full falcon and flies towards Peter taking him further down the terminal. As they fly away all we can hear is Peter shouting at Sam "you have the right to remain silent". Then Sam hits the ground again as Peter swoops up in the air. "Kate shoot at him" Bucky shouts pointing at Peter. "I can't hurt him Bucky, we are meant to just distract them" I snap as Bucky then turns his attention behind me. Evan powerfully marches towards us "hurt my brother Bucky and we will have problems now stand down!". Kate right now is no time to get turned on. Bucky then stands straight watching Evan stall towards him "if you get in our way Evan then..." Evan walked straight up to Bucky throwing her fist back and cracked him causing Bucky to fall to the floor. "Ok yep Kate time to go" Yelena taps me as she starts running down the terminal to the exit. "So hot" I mumble watching Evan's face turn to a smirk as I turn and run away from her. Bucky scatters up to his feet running down the terminal with us away from Evan. When we get closer to Sam he's stuck to a glass wall by peters webs. "Follow me" Bucky yells at us as he jumps at Sam making us fall to the next floor down. Evan runs up to the ledge looking down at us "are you ok?" She asks with her eyes fully on me. "Peachy" as I reply Peter shoots his webs at our arms ... sticking us to the floor. "Pete this is the only time you're allowed to do that to Kate" Evan rants pointing at me as Peter looks at her. The two of them so distracted by arguing with each other they don't notice Sam launching his little wing thing. It swoops in knocking Peter off his perch and out the window as Evan sighs and looks at us "stay there whilst I go get him". "Like we can go anywhere anyway" Sam shouts frustratingly before Evan winks at me and jumps out the window to the others. "You couldn't have done that sooner?" Bucky asks as Sam rolls his eyes. "I kind of like this ... you know ... being tied up ... I bet you do too Kate" Yelena laughs beside me as I glare at her "Yelena shut up!".

Evan's PoV

"Of course you get taken out by a tiny bird ... the spider gets taken out by a tiny bird" I huff walking up to Peter noticing a lorry enlarge in the sky beside us. "Hey when you get a super cool superhero name then and only then can you make fun of me now help me up Iv definitely winded myself" he moans as I lean over giving him my hand. "Speaking of what is your superhero name? I mean you can't just be Evan?" He begins to mumble as I see the lorry land on Rhodey. "I don't think right now is the time to talk about this Pete" I groan watching Kate, Yelena, Bucky and Sam all run up to join cap as their team runs to the hanger. "Swing me" I point as Peter finally brings his head back into the game.

Vision stops them in their tracks as they run to the hangar. As Peter swings us down I land just between him and vision. A stand off right in front of us. Rhodey, Thor, Natasha, Tony and the wakandan king now known as the black panther stand on our side with Peter and I. Opposite us stands Sam, a weird ant guy?? Clint, wanda, Yelena, cap, Kate ... and Bucky. They start walking towards us as Natasha murmurs "this isn't going to end well". Cap then lifts his walk to a slight jog... increasing the pace as he runs towards us. "They are not stopping" Peter worriedly says to Tony who replies "neither are we". As both sides fall into a sprint towards each other a fight breaks out.  I end up going straight for Bucky... knowing I can take him. Hit, dodge, hit. Chaos descends upon us all. "Bucky don't you dare hurt her" I hear Kate shout as she helps Clint with Nat. "I don't think you have to worry about me hurting her Kate!" Bucky shouts as I clock him in the jaw forcing him down on his back. "Kate watch" Clint shouts as I run towards her. She turns quickly and catches me coming for her as she turns with her bow to hit me "sorry baby" she smiles as I block her. Jab jab jab both of our jabs at each other are blocked before Kate drops to the ground kicking my feet out from under me. Using her bow to pin me down she leans over me "is this kinky?" She smiles looking down at my lips. "Depends ... if you enjoy it" I smile back quickly looking at her in her leather. "Maybe I do" she smiles leaning down quickly to peck my lips before I use this moment to my advantage flipping her onto her back and lifting her hands above her head as Pete webs her hands again whilst swinging by. "You played dirty" she groans looking up at her now stuck hands. "Thought you loved it when I was dirty?" I smile watching her huff as I lift myself up and run towards Peter who has just been knocked down by cap. "Oh look who's helping who again" I boast running at Peter who has a tunnel collapsing on top of him. "Yeh yeh I get it you're always saving me" he groans as I push up the tunnel allowing him to get out of it.

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