Ready to comply

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Evan's PoV

"Clint I can't go through it again. I just can't it hurts" I sobbed leaning against the dark murky cell iv spent most of my time. How long have we been here? I've no idea. I honestly couldn't tell you. I tried to keep track when we first arrived. "I know kid. It's hard but they will save us. They will be working on it I promise" I can hear how exhausted Clint is. They have been torturing him every day for information on the avengers. He's a strong man. Honestly I wish they were just torturing me. I've been having sessions with some kind of artificial intelligence that goes by Zola. A guy with a metal arm and long dark hair that hangs around his face comes to collect me every day. He brings me to a room. I try to fight him but he's way and I mean way stronger than I am. Every day he straps me to a table brings this screen right down to my face. He places a wet cloth in my mouth and something round my head. Then turns the machine on and leaves the room. Then there's flashing images of the Zola man and an excruciating pain that runs through my head. It feels like I'm being electrocuted over and over again. A series of words are repeated through the screen with flashing images...

A flash of the back of her
A flash of her being hurt
Freight car
A flash of her lifeless

This repeats over and over again until I pass out which they class as a fail. Then I'm returned to my cell next to Clint until tomorrow. "Clint what are they doing to me?" I groan leaning my head against the bar. "I dunno kid. I've never heard of anything like this before" I can't see Clint but I can hear in his voice he's slowly giving up. To keep me occupied when we first arrived Clint told me so many stories. He told me all about the avengers. How Peter was bitten by a spider at oscorp. Which of course made sense because it all started from that night. How he somehow has spider like abilities. He can crawl on walls, he can swing using webs. Honestly I was relieved to know that it was web fluid on the wall and not something else. How Yelena, Pietro, Kate and now Peter are all trainees. Which again made sense to how close they are. Yelena is training under Natasha. Pietro training under wanda. It feels nice knowing Kate was training under Clint, in some ways it feels like she's here with me. Although I wouldn't want that, I don't even want Clint here with me although the company is nice. I'd far rather he be at home with his family who he misses so much. We have spoken about everything. From how he met Natasha in Budapest to how he met Kate at a charity auction.

Kate's PoV

"Stark! Stark!" I'm stomping through the compound to find Tony who is hiding in his lab AGAIN. "Miss bishop, Tony is currently busy and can't come to the door right now" Jarvis announces whilst I'm pounding at the door. I pinch the bridge of my nose "Jarvis you tell Tony I will knock on this door till he answers me! Remind him I will stand here all day and knock" moments later the door opens. "Thank you Jarvis" "your welcome miss bishop" I push open the door and walk into the lab. Tony is sitting at a desk surrounded by maps and papers. Then I'm hit with the smell "Tony you need to shower!" I pinch my nose shut and waft around the room. "What do you want Kate?" He mumbles with his eyes still locked on the table. Cheeto dust covering his T-shirt. "Is there anything I can help you with?" Normally my chats with Tony are both of us being angry. Not at each other really but just at the situation. I held a lot of anger towards Tony for telling me not to go into the bathroom with Evan but he was only doing what he thought was best. He looks up at me hearing my soft expression "you could cross reference these known hydra bases and the energy source they are producing for me" he looks up at me completely drained. I softly smile at Tony and sit opposite him as silence falls upon us.

Evan's PoV

The door opens and in walks the metal arm man with my tray of food. They refuse to feed Clint anything of substance. I once seen them throw him a mouldy bread roll just to keep him alive. He drops the tray down on the ground for me and kicks it under the cell bar. He doesn't say anything he just has the usual blank stare that he normally has. He turns round and locks the door again leaving Clint and I alone. I grab at the tray and look at what exciting things are on offer today. There's two bits of bread just plain ass bread. Some kind of slop in a bowl and some fruit that's definitely on the turning side. I hand Clint a bit of my bread and fruit through the bars with great difficulty. "Kid you need that more than me" he barely whispers due to having no energy. "You need it too and I need you in here Clint. Please take it. We can't fight about this every day" I try to chuckle and lighten the mood. I finally see Clint's hand taking the little food from mine and we sit silently eating together.

Peter PoV

I'm sitting at the meeting table with MJ "I just ... it's been months MJ, it's been nearly 9 months since she was taken and it just feels like now we aren't going to find her". "We will find her Pete, nobody's given up and nobody will. They won't give up until we bring her home" MJ strokes my hair attempting to comfort me but honestly I've just felt shit since Evan was taken. At first it was hard, I felt sad, lost and angry... now I just feel nothing. Like every day just feels like part of me is missing and that's true because my twin isn't here. My aunt may wouldn't stop trying to phone Evan and message her. Tony managed to hack into aunt mays phone so whenever she messaged Evan there would at least be a reply. But even mays different. She's worried, I don't know if she 100% believes what's going on but she also can't figure it out either. She spends more and more time at work. Kate's stayed over most nights, it's like she's moved into Evan's room. Her mom seems super busy so I don't even think she's noticed Kate isn't home most of the time. I think like all of us Kate feels to blame. "Hey they will bring her home" MJ interrupts my zoning out. "The likely hood of them bringing her home alive though is getting slim" I whispered feeling all my energy disappear. "Hey until something happens Evan is alive. She's not dead" just then the door closes. When we turn round we see Kate standing there looking at the ground "she's not dead. She can't be".

Evan's PoV

Like clockwork the door opens the next day and in walks metal arm himself. "It'll be over soon kid. Just think about that ok. It'll be over soon and you'll be back in paradise with me" Clint tried to give off encouraging energy but honestly I can sense his nervousness for me. I stand up and walk to the cell door. In the beginning I used to kick and scream at him every time he would come to get me and drop me off. But then it just felt useless. I was just using up my already drained energy. I take a Quick Look to Clint, the Clint I arrived here with long gone, Clint now looks malnourished and beaten. He gives me a quick nod before the door slams shut.

I'm led into the lab room. Pushed towards the table and pushed down as he straps me in. Focus. Think of Peter. Think of may. Think of Kate. The wet rag is stuffed in my mouth. Think of holding her. Think of the kisses I would melt into. The metal mechanism is placed on my head as the screen comes down in front of me, I hear the door open and close meaning metal arm has left the room again.

The flashes start. Then the words.
The flash of the back of her
Something different is happening ... it's as if my body is tensing up. Think of Peter.
The flash of her being hurt
My breathing is rapid.
Think of may!
It feels like I'm loosing control of my body. Think of Kate!!!
Freight car
The flash of her lifeless body

Buckys PoV

Pushing open the door I'm expecting to find subject 17 passed out as usual on the table. But I'm met with the result we were hoping for. Subject 17 remains awake. "Soldier?" I ask walking up to her as she remains still. She looks at me all fear and sadness gone from her expression "ready to comply". I smile knowing the first part of our plan is complete.

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