Your leaving ?

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Evan's pov

"What did the principal want?" I'm standing at my locker now that it's the end of the day and we can all head home. "What do you think the principal would want to talk to me about Pete? Or are you so wrapped up in whatever is going on with you that you completely forgot about me?" I turn round slamming my locker shut. The sound attracting everyone's attention in the hallway. I swing my bag round onto my back attempting to ignore the look from Kate who stands on the other side, with her back against her own locker. "Evan chill. Look I'm sorry I haven't been around ok in just had a lot going on mate" Peter softly says as his eyes look around at everyone looking at us. "It's fine. It's totally fine. Whatever is going on clearly means more to you right now" I frustratingly reply as I go to turn away from him. When I turn away I bump into the front of someone who pushes me to the floor. "Hey nerd! Look at you! Down on the floor where you belong" flash laughs as he roars with his buddies. "Flash back off" Kate asserted as she pushes herself off her locker and points her finger at him. "Kate why do you defend her? She's worthless. I get you having pity for her but she's just a nerd. I mean how can you be friends with her? Me and you could be something special you know?" His cockiness is making me feel sick.

 I mean how can you be friends with her? Me and you could be something special you know?" His cockiness is making me feel sick

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"Me and you? Flash there will never ever be a me and you! Why do i defend her? She's clever. Not just clever she's brilliant. The way her mind works is awesome. She's kind and genuine. When you spend time with her you feel special. You call her worthless when frankly the only person I see here who is worthless is you. Evan is amazing. You're just jealous of her" Kate spits, every word filled with venom to flash. Flash looks briefly at me as Peter helps me up, then looks at Kate before pointing between us "wait .... You're not telling me ... Kate bishop ... you Kate bishop having feelings for the nerd?". My heart is beating so rapidly in my chest feeling all eyes on me. I need out of here. I push myself off Pete and run for the door. I can't hear Kate's reply. "Evan?" I hear Pete shouting from behind me but I keep running. Honestly I'll run till I'm home.

Ok I didn't run all the way home. I ran for maybe two miles then walked the rest. I messaged my aunt may to let her know I was on my way and not to worry. Peter tried phoning me a few times but I ignored him. My apartment comes into view so I cross the street and head into the building. Jumping in the elevator I push the button for floor 14 and wait patiently for the lift to rise. When I get to the apartment door I pull out my keys and push it into the lock, turning it to open the door. As I step inside I sling my bag onto the floor and shout "aunt may I'm home" I start to walk toward my bedroom when she shouts "come to the living room". I sigh and swivel round, back down the hallway to the living room. When I push open the door I come to a halt taking in everything. My aunt may has hung a congratulations banner above the television. She's standing in the corner jumping up and down. "Evan I'm so proud of you honey!" She squeals as she jumps over to me wrapping her arms around me. I'm stunned and don't reply as she steps away "honey I'm so proud of you going to Staten Island" she cheers. She's the only one in the room that's cheering as Kate, Ned and Peter all sit on the sofa looking at the ground. "Guys? Aren't you happy for Evan?" My aunt may asks them clearly feeling the tension in the room. Ned is the first to lift his head "I'm really excited for you evan!" He stands up and walks over to me. His fist waits in front of me for a fist pump and he looks nervously between may and I. "Thanks Ned" I smile at him and return his gesture before pulling him in for a hug. My aunt then bites her lip and nods towards Kate. My aunt knows of my attraction to Kate ... scratch that she knows of my huge ass crush on Kate so the teasing looks she's giving me isn't helping. Peters eyes remain glued to the floor as Kate's eyes finally lift. When she looks at me I see the sadness I'm causing her, her eyes brimming with tears. All anger and hostility I had towards Kate crumbles there and then "want to talk in my room?" I ask her as she stands and nods. "Is that ok aunt may?" I turn quickly to may "oh yes yes! Just you know no sex! Or anything sexual! I'm not ready to be a great aunt" she laughs as my face goes beetroot. Kate starts walking towards my bedroom when I look at Pete who finally looks at me "Pete?". He sadly smiles up at me "we can talk later. I promise. Go sort that out. I'm happy for you Evan I'm just sad you're not going to be here. But go" he smiles which I return.

"Hey" when I walked into my room I see Kate sitting on the end of my bed.  She looks up at me as she wipes away a tear that's rolling down her cheek "hey... so your leaving". "There's nothing for me here Kate. Today was a perfect example of how this is better for me. Flash is never going to leave me alone. You guys have your own thing going on and I'm not included in it. I just ...." I release a sigh taking a breath from my ranting "I have nothing Kate". Kate stands up in anger "you have nothing Evan? You have nothing? What about your brother? Yes he's kept something from you but you have no idea how bad he wants to tell you about it. Every single day he wants to tell you about it... he misses you!" She states with her hands on her hips. I stand there letting her rant back at me "what about Ned? He's your best friend and yes he's kept something from you too but again he wants to tell you! Hell we all do but we aren't allowed to! You don't think he misses you? Evan I'm all for you going to another school if it helps you and if it leads you to better things but right now your running away" she throws her arms up in the air clearly as emotional as I feel. "I'm running away? You think I'm running away Kate? You don't know me! Two weeks ago was the first time we spoke" I yell back, not loud enough for everyone to hear us. "You don't think I know you? Evan you're so dense it's infuriating!" She fumed as her hands run down her face again as she moves towards me. "You don't think I know you? Evan i have known you for years. We may not have spoken much in the last few years but that doesn't mean I don't know you" she states now she's right in front of me. Feeling defeated I look down to the ground "Kate .... I can't ... I can't be your friend" I admit as my shoulders drop. "I don't want to be your friend Evan. And if you stuck around today you would have heard that..." I lift my head to look at Kate's face. "... if you stuck around you would have heard me tell everyone in that hallway that for as long as I remember I've had feelings for you. That I've had a crush on you Evan. Not flash, not..." I don't know where this bravery came from and I hope she isn't messing with me as I lean up and press my lips against Kate's. It takes her a second to register what's happening and then she melts into me. Her arms going round my neck, mine wrapping round her waist as our lips move against each other. Kate bishop is amazing at kissing. As our lips break apart we remain wrapped in each other, our foreheads press against each other "woah. Evan who have you been kissing?" She smiles at me whilst biting her lip. I start to panic "em ... nobody ... wait ... was that bad! Oh my god I was bad wasn't I?" Kate cuts my rambling off again with a small kiss "that was not bad at all. That was great and actually..." Kate leans against me again pressing her lips to mine. "Wait was I your first kiss?" Kate whispers against my lips "mhm" I nervously nod. "Of course you're just naturally a good kisser" she laughs as she pulls me back into a deep kiss. As we break apart she laughs again in disbelief. "I think we have made you leaving a bit more complicated" Kate smiles whilst still holding me. "I think we have" I agree as she pulls me into a hug, placing her face into my neck. "Evan?" She mumbles "yeh?" "We are totally not just friends by the way". We both start laughing when my aunt may knocks on the door and shouts "pizza". Kate moves her head out of my neck and looks down at me "come on cutie" she kisses my nose as she grabs my hand and leads me out of my room. When we walk into the kitchen all eyes are on our linked hands. Peter and Ned smile then look away ... my aunt may smiles and cups her face "no way!!!". Kate turns into me trying to hide from my loving but totally embarrassing aunt. "Come on love birds, eat before the pizza gets cold" she motions for the two of us to sit. I pull out the chair for Kate to sit on before sitting on the chair beside her. The rest of the night was spent with everyone laughing and having a really nice night. Kate sneakily holding my hand under the table the whole time, smiling at me when nobody was looking. Everytime she would smile at me...I would melt.

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