Whose that girl with Evan?

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Kate's PoV

"Breaking news ... a bomb hidden in a news van exploded outside a building in Vienna where more than 70 people were injured. 12 people have been reported dead including Wakandas King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes... the winter soldier. The infamous Hydra agent linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations" I turn and look to Yelena as everyone piles into the meeting room. "What's happened?" Evan asks as she walks up beside me and holds my hand. "It's Bucky" I whisper whilst her eyes remain locked on the screen. "Jarvis get me Steve and Nat on the phone right now" tony shouts as he leaves the room. Turning my body into Evan's she wraps her arms around me while her eyes remain on the screen. "Baby ... we need to go to school" I whisper into her ear as her body remains frozen. "You guys school now" Tony points into the room.

"This is stupid... why are we even at school when everything's going on?" Evan moans throwing her bag in her locker. "What happened to the Evan that loved school?" I tease leaning against her. She smiles at me as she pulls out her physics book. "What class are you in?" "I'm heading to history ... want to swap?" She shakes her head laughing. "Not a chance. See you after class?" Leaning up I place a small kiss to Evan's lips "see you after class cutie".

"Who's that girl with Evan?" Yelena asks me as we sit in the canteen. "Em ... I'm not sure" I eyeball the girl and Evan who walks into the canteen giggling with each other. Her hand resting on Evan's arm for a moment before she walks towards a table full of girls who are also giggling and smiling at their friend. Evan picks up her tray of food and walks over to our table smiling at me as she strides over. Yelena scooches over so Evan can sit between us "babe who was that?" I ask her as she kisses my cheek. "Who was who?" She asks looking back to her tray and picking up a fry. "The girl you walked in with?" I know I have nothing to worry about with Evan. I mean the girl doesn't realise when I flirt with her never mind anyone else but it doesn't sit right with me that everyone knows we are together and some girls are just flirty with her. "Oh that's gwen she's in my physics class" she replies so unbothered as she starts eating. "Gwen? I don't know a gwen" I reply seeing Yelena trying to hide her laugh. "Oh gwens like super smart and really pretty" I turn to see Ned blushing whilst looking at the blonde girl. "Don't you think Evan?" Ned asks as Evan groans from being interrupted eating, I swear this girl constantly needs fed. "What do I think to what?" Evan asks taking a large bite of her pizza slice. "That gwens clever and pretty?" Ned clearly isn't seeing my annoyance from this conversation and keeps pressing Evan about little miss gwens prettiness. "I mean I suppose" I laugh hearing Evan's reply as she turns to me with that goofy smile. She pushes her tray closer to me and kisses my hand "want a fry beautiful?". I smile back at her as Yelena rolls her eyes. All of a sudden all of our phones begin to beep. I look at Evan who pulls out her phone... she's changed her wallpaper to the picture of the two of us at the winter dance. Trying to hide my blush I look down at my phone and open the message. Tony has messaged us all privately not in the group chat which is weird. Stating that we have a meeting after school. "What do you thinks happened now?" Yelena asks full of annoyance. "It can't be good" Evan replies running her hand through her hair. The way her hands run through her hair sends tingles down my body. I shouldn't be getting turned on right now. "Kate?" Peter calls for me breaking me out of my Evan daydream. "What?" I snap turning towards him. "My aunt may is asking if your joining us for dinner later this week? I called you four times" Evan turns to me smirking... that little shit. "Em ... yeh that sounds nice" I reply looking down at my hands. Evan then swivels round in her chair to face me as she wraps her arms around my body pulling me into her. "Here we go" MJ groans as Evan nuzzles her face into my neck. She starts placing small kisses on my neck as I try not to moan in the canteen in front of our friends and her brother. The bell then rings indicating that lunch is nearly over and we should all get ready for class. Evan pulls herself out from my neck but remains wrapped around me as she looks at me... the way she's looking at me runs a sensations to my core.

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