I hope shes hot

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Evan's PoV

"What do you mean you're falling in love with Kate? How do you even know that you're falling in love with her?" Peter rambles beside me as we have breakfast. "I don't know Pete I just know that she's different and she makes me feel more confident in myself. The way she looks at me I feel like I can do anything. She's amazing. For years Iv just felt like a nobody, someone in the background. But she's different, she makes me feel seen and special" I look up at Pete noticing he's staring at me. "You feel all that from Kate looking at you?" He laughs shovelling another spoonful of his cereal into his mouth. I laugh throwing my head back before replying "do you not feel different with MJ?". "I dunno I haven't put much thought into it... maybe" he replies, more bothered about finishing his breakfast. I pull out my phone to message Kate, noticing Peter in the background lifting the bowl to his face.

Evan 🩶 - Have a nice day at school. Can't wait to see you xxxx
Kate 💜🏹 - nice and school don't belong in the same sentence. School was at least decent when you were there. Can't wait to see you and for our mini date night 😘 xxxx
Kate 💜🏹 - can you tell your brother I'm waiting for him? Xxxx

I smile and shout over my shoulder "Pete, Kate's waiting for you downstairs" there's a clatter coming from his room.

Evan 🩶 - Iv just shouted him he shouldn't be long. See you soon beautiful xxxx
Kate 💜🏹 - the new nicknames cute EvyPoo xxxx
Evan 🩶 - please not EvyPoo xxxx

Peter come rushing out of his room in a panic, his bag thrown over his shoulder as he bounces putting a shoe on. "Bye Evan" he shouts heading out the door as I laugh watching the idiot.

Kate's PoV

"How do I bring up sex with Evan?" I ask Yelena as we walk into the classroom. We find out seats and sit down, sitting in here reminds me of Evan and when I pretended to suck at math so she could teach me. She was so cute with her glasses and how she just beamed when she was helping me. Now I'm sitting next to Yelena who isn't half as cute as my EvyPoo. "Have yous had sex?" She pulls out her books plonking them down on the table. I lean back to grab my own books, looking round to make sure the others aren't around us. I for one don't want Peter hearing me talking about having sex with his sister. When I grab my books I lean back up onto the table "no we haven't, we have kissed and heavily made out but that's as far as it's gotten". She looks at me as we wait for Mr Conway to arrive "are you worried that Evan isn't ready for sex?". "I'm not sure, I think it's all new to her, not that I'm by any manner or means experienced in the matter" I begin to ramble "Kate, just talk to her about it, what's brought this on anyway?". "You know how Evan's intersex?" I look to Yelena who nods and pushes herself back in the seat "well yesterday something happened and she just got embarrassed about it, she kept apologising over and over again when I didn't think there was anything for her to apologise for. I know she's probably had a hard time growing up with it and we both know flash certainly didn't help but I mean it's her body and it really fucking saddens me to think she's embarrassed about it". "I'm assuming she got hard?" My face blushes instantly thinking about what happened as I slowly nod. "Want my advice?" Yelena asks leaning up onto the table to face me "yes please". "Evan's probably had a pretty tough time with being different, she's probably insecure about it. Take baby steps, Kate your the popular IT girl of the school" I roll my eyes at the last comment as she laughs. "You might not like that but you are. Evan was quiet and blended in the background before she met you. Show her that her body is amazing and how she should love it just as much as you do. Take baby steps with her, you were her first kiss Kate and you're probably going to be her first everything. She also might be a little worried about your experience differences. She has no experience where you have" she nudges my shoulder with hers and leans her head down. "You're right, thanks Yelena... you do know Iv only slept with two people right? Iv literally had sex twice, once with a guy and once with a girl. Neither of which were satisfying" Yelena laughs throwing her head back "I don't get the appeal of sex, it honestly just yuck" I laugh at her disgusted face when the door opens. Mr Conway pokes his head round the door "class we have a new student joining us today, she's joining us for the rest of the school year". I look quickly to Peter, Pietro, MJ and Ned who all look confused too. Flash then leans over hi fiving his friend "I hope she's fucking hot". Mr Conway steps in holding his arm out for the new student to step inside "guys welcome back ... Evan Parker". Evan steps into the class room holding her backpack tightly against her. The class falls completely silent as everyone minus us gawps at the much taller and buffer Evan. With her right hand she awkwardly waves as everyone continues to silently stare at her. "Welcome back Evan! Woo" Ned stands up hyping her up as mr Conway points to a seat next to a blonde girl I don't know. As Evan starts walking to her seat, she meets my gaze and winks before sitting down. "Who's Evan sitting with?" My happiness that Evan's back in school is quickly replaced with jealousy seeing her sitting next to a pretty blonde girl who hasn't taken her eyes off my Evan since she walked in. "I'm not sure, she's pretty though" Yelena obliviously replies as I shoot daggers at her. "Sorry, sorry she's not that pretty" I look back to the front seeing Evan and the girl sitting together. All I can see is Evan's back as she places her books on the desk ... and the blonde girl who is still smiling at Evan twirling her hair.

Evan's PoV

"Hey baby" Kate comes up to my side as I place the books back in my bag. "Hey beautiful" I reply smiling at Kate. "Hi Kate" Kate turns her attention to Bella, the girl who I had to sit next to in class as she links her hand with mine. "Hey, sorry I'm awful with names" Kate's acting strange, her tone is very hostile to the girl in front of us. "Bella. We have art history together" Kate hums at Bella who stands there awkwardly, great now I feel awkward. "Anyway ... see you next class Evan or you know if you..." Bella looks up at me fiddling with the rings on her fingers. When Bella looks up at me she's met with a glare from Kate, she immediately stops talking and walks away from us. "Nice to have you back Evan" mr Conway pats me on the back leaving the classroom for lunch. "Are you ok? What was that about?" I ask Kate who is pinching the bridge of her nose. "Nothing baby, want to go to lunch? Why didn't you tell me you were coming back today?" She takes my hand as we walk towards the hallway. "I wanted it to be a surprise, even Peter didn't know" she smiles up at me as I pull her into me, wrapping my arm around her back and placing my hand on her hip. "It's a really nice surprise" she replies placing her arm round my back as we approach the canteen. As we approach the doors a thought dawns on me as I stop walking, Kate looks up to me confused "I ... haven't ever had lunch in here. I always had lunch in the lab with Peter and Ned". Kate leans up quickly pecking my lips "babe, they sit with us now. Ned and Peter sit with us at our table". I don't know why I'm feeling so nervous about going in here "they do?". Kate nods slowly "but if it's too much we can go somewhere else for lunch?" She traces small circles on my abdomen as she waits for my reply. "Thank you but ... maybe I should just get it over and done with" I breath out a huff of air as Kate pushes open the door and moves her hand into mine. I smile at Kate and take her lead into the canteen. Walking in at first there's a lot of noise, every table is completely full. Kate walks us up to the food counter as she grabs a tray for the both of us "what do you want to eat baby?". She points to the array of food items as she picks up a slice of pizza. Scanning over the counter my eyes zone in on a cheeseburger and fries. I lean over and grab it as Kate instantly steals a fry, looking up at me cutely like she isn't a food thief. Moving along the counter we grab ourselves some drinks and a couple of cookies. Kate repeatedly teases me for picking up the double chocolate chip cookie instead of the ... in her opinion all time best chocolate chip cookie. As we approach the till, Kate is still teasing me and it's only then that I notice the volume has significantly dropped in the canteen. Curiously I turn round wondering why everyone has gone quiet. When I turn round I'm met with a sea of people all looking at me. "And that's why the chocolate chip is superior" Kate continues to ramble as she turns round to walk to the table. I feel stuck in place holding our tray feeling everyone's eyes on me. Whispering amongst friends whilst staring at me and Kate. "Baby ignore them come on" Kate whispers in my ear as she leads me into the middle of the crowd. "Evan baby your back" Ned excitedly throws a tater tot in the air and catches it in his mouth. "Yeh it's not like I'm your brother or anything you could have at least told me" Peter points as they scooch along to make room for Kate and I. As we sit down, I place the tray in front of us as Kate points to Peter "I'm her girlfriend and I didn't know. Girlfriend trumps brother I'm afraid". I softly smile at them all still feeling everyone looking at me. Kate leans up kissing my cheek "ignore them. Eat your food. If you don't eat it I will" Kate steals another of my fries as she gives a pointed look to my burger. Grabbing my burger I peal back the wrapping and take a large bite. Oh my god this burger is delicious, I loudly moan at the cheesy sensation going on in my mouth as everyone falls into a conversation. I turn to my left seeing Kate who all of a sudden has an intense blush covering her face as she stares at me. "Have I got food on my face?" I begin to panic wiping at my face. Kate huffs whilst shaking her head before leaning into my ear "you moaning like that makes me want you right here, right now". I nearly choke on my second bite as Kate says this and places her hand on my thigh. Her hand is dangerously close to my dick, do not get a boner right now Evan! Our moment is quickly squashed when flash arrives at the table "well I'll be damned ... girl Parker".

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