Its just a rhyme

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Kate's PoV

We were in the bowling alley now. Evan and I had picked up our bowling shoes as we sat down with the rest of the guys. "So on a scale of one to ten how bad are you at bowling?" I teasingly ask Evan as I tie my shoe. "Oh pretty awful" she laughs at me as she drops her foot to the ground giving them a tap on the floor. Evan looks at me and smiles, I lean forward and kiss her on the nose. Causing her smile to grow. 'Ok bishop keep it PG13 please' I hear cap through the earpiece. I smile and cuddle into Evan as Peter types in everyone's names. 'Oh leave them alone cap! Not everyone's a virgin! We need to get you laid' Tony claps back at cap causing me to laugh. "You ok?" Evan looks at me clearly confused to why I just randomly laughed in the bowling alley. "Em yeh course just thought of something funny" I smile at her as Peter finishes up. We all look at the screen seeing that poor Evan's up first "really?" She begged as we all started laughing. "Sorry I didn't think. I just typed in the names" Peter laughs as he sits on the other side. Evan stands up and picks up a bowling ball, she takes her first shot and knocks down 4, after her second shot she has a score of 9. I clap as she comes back over to sit beside me "you did good baby" I kiss her cheek. She turns round and looks at me blushing "baby?" She smiles. Oh my god I just called her baby and it went completely over my head. "Well em ... you know ... it just kinda slipped and..." I'm cut off by Evan's lips briefly against mine. "I like it" she states and honestly I could melt.

The game continues, we are about half way through now and not only has our ear pieces been quiet so has the bowling alley. We are literally the only people in here. So far Yelena is winning which of course she is. Pietro is second, I'm third, Peter is fourth, MJ is fifth, Ned is sixth and Evan is seventh. Even though she's loosing she hasn't lost the smile on her face. She turns to me, catching me watching her "thank you for this" she smiles at me whilst picking at her jeans. "Of course. Are you excited for Staten Island?" I ask her whilst running my hands through her short hair. "Mhm although it feels a bit bitter sweet now" she admits whilst leaning back and looking at me. "I know but I'll see you whenever your home. I might even come sneak into your dorm" I tease and bite my lip. "I wouldn't mind that" she whispers as we lean into each other. After a brief kiss it's Evan's turn again. She stands up after all the teasing we are getting from the others and takes her shot. 'Guys who is that in lane 1?' Tony asks us. Yelena and Pietro who are sitting opposite me have a Quick Look. 'I don't recognise them stark' Yelena whispers to not draw attention. 'Watch them. They seem to be on their own just now' Tony ordered.

Evan's PoV

I'm shit at bowling. So shit but I've had a really great evening. For the first time ever I think I feel truly happy. I take my shot and only knock down a couple of pins. I turn round seeing them all looking at each other. The atmosphere has definitely dampened for some reason. I should ask them what's going on but I know they won't tell me. Also Kate called me baby so I'm not ruining this night. I grab another bowling ball as Kate turns her attention to me from glaring at Yelena. "Go Evan!" She shouts, Kate knows I'm shockingly bad at this but still hypes me up. I've been toying with the thought of asking her to be my girlfriend not because I don't want her to be but I've been waiting for the moment. After my shot I walk over to Kate and kneel in front of her "want to come with me for two seconds?" I ask her. She looks up at everyone like she's asking permission which is weird. Before she can respond I point to the claw machine "just over there" I smile at her. She looks at them briefly again and nods. She stands up and reaches for my hand as we walk over to the claw machine. She leans against the glass as I put a couple of dollars in the machine. "You know when I was little my aunt used to take Peter and I to the fair or to an arcade and I would always see couples standing at these machines.
The boy would always win a stuffed animal for the girl and I always just thought it was really cute" I smile at Kate as I drop the claw. Her eyes glued to me as she watches me, not the claw. The claw unfortunately picked up nothing the first try but I had one try left. "I always pictured myself standing here with someone..." I press the stick up "... and me winning them something from one of these..." I press the stick to the right, directing the claw as my pulse races. Once in position I pressed the drop button "... I always pictured that person to be my girlfriend" I watch as the claw slowly pics up a stuffed light brown bear. I turn to Kate who's beaming as I bend down to pick up the bear from the tray. I hold it against me briefly and then hold it out to Kate who up until this point I've refused to look in the eye. "Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend Evan?" She smiles at me. "Mhm" I nod feeling really nervous for her reply. Kate steps forward taking the bear from my hold and captures my lips with hers. "Yes Evan I'll be your girlfriend" she whispers against my mouth. I smile back at her and wrap my arms around her. Her giggling is cut short by something as she turns round and looks back at the guys. "Baby this was adorable and I'm really happy to be your girlfriend but we need to go back over" she cups my face and kisses me again. I laugh and kiss her back "ok I'm just going to go to the bathroom real quick" I point behind us to the bathroom of the bowling alley. "No wait..." she looks over to the others briefly "I'll come with you". "Kate I'll be fine. It's just the bathroom I'll literally be two seconds" I reassure her as I press a kiss to her lips. She stares at me for a few seconds like she's processing something. "Ok hurry back and shout if you need me" she looks worried as she walks backwards towards the others. I walk towards the bathroom and open the door.

Kate's PoV

'Kate we need you out here if anything happens do not go into that bathroom. Clint is guarding all possible exits to that bathroom right now. Go back to the others she's safe' Tony orders through the comms. "Ok hurry back and shout if you need me" I watch her as she turns round and walks towards the bathroom. I make my way back over to the guys noticing that one same man still sitting in lane 1. "What's he doing?" I quietly ask Yelena when I'm close enough. "Nothing he's just bowling but continuously watching us. What's with the bear?" She asks me changing the topic to the stuffed animal. I smile down at it in my arms feeling a blush cross my face "Evan won it for me. She asked me to be her girlfriend" I smile. "Ok that's adorable! Like sickeningly adorable where is Evan?" She asks me looking over my shoulder. "She went to the bathroom" I turn round and take a seat again waiting for Evan to come out. It's Evan's turn again so we all wait I then realise something "who took my shot?" I ask them as they all start laughing. "You were taking too long" Peter laughs along with the rest of them. Yelenas face soon turns to fear as she stares behind me. I quickly turn round seeing the man who was on his own, completely standing still staring at us. He walks closer towards us as we all circle round Peter. He has a sickening smile plastered on his face as he stalks towards us. 'Guys .... Guys ... can you he.... Can you hear us?' Tony breaks through the comms. 'Stark get in here now' Yelena shouts. We all look at the man as he quietly sings  "The Itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout, the avengers watched for Peter for that there was no doubt, as they fell into our trap our plan could then begin, because they didn't have a clue we were going for his twin...hail hydra' and bites down on something. Before his body falls to the floor I'm running to the bathroom "Kate! Kate wait! It could be a trap" cap runs after me. Tony flies infront of me in his suit and enters the bathroom. As I push open the door, everyone else follows in behind me. "Evan?" I scream seeing nothing but an empty bathroom. "Evan!!!" I scream again feeling Peter wrap his arms around me. Everyone else starts looking around round the bathroom as wanda comes over comms from outside 'guys Clint's gone too'.

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