Hide the hickey

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Kate's PoV

"You want to do something for me?" I ask her again completely floored by this. "Em ... I mean if that's ok with you ... I won't be good at it but I ... I mean it's fine it's" I lean forward cutting off Evan's cute rambling with a kiss. "You were rambling" I smile against her lips "you can do anything you want to me baby, are you wanting to change your shorts first?" I don't want Evan to be the slightest bit embarrassed. "Em yeh that's probably a good idea" she mumbles as I lift myself off her. I don't want to look at her and make her feel self conscious so I look down to the bed as she gets up and walks to the closet then the bathroom to freshen up. Laying on Evan's bed I'm suddenly nervous, it's been well over a year since someone touched me down there and this is Evan. This isn't just a nobody. The bathroom door soon swings open and Evan emerges looking surprisingly chill. She walks over to the bed, climbing up to lay beside me. "Can I go down on you?" I'm sorry what?? My eyes nearly pop out when Evan mumbles this. "You want to ... go down on me?" I repeat making sure I heard her, this is a leap I'm not going to lie. "Is that ok?" She asks with her cheeks turning a slight pink. She's using her right arm to lean up over me as the left hand mindlessly plays with my fingers. "Em yeh of course you can. Do you know what that means though?" My hand comes up to cup her face so she looks at me. "Evan I don't want you to feel pressured into anything here. It's your pace" I look into her eyes hoping that she knows this. "I know, I want to make you feel good. The way you just made me feel good" she holds my eye contact before she leans down to give me a kiss. "What about your aunt? We were both clothed before, you'll literally have to take my shorts and underwear off" I melt into Evan kissing me. "She won't be back for hours and neither will Peter plus the doors locked" Evan places small kisses round to behind my ear, releasing a moan from me. Evan starts moving down my body, I want this with Evan but I'm really nervous now because it's Evan. Evan fits herself between my legs as her hands pause on the hem of my shorts. She looks up at me and softly asks "can I take these off?" My breathing is picking up in anticipation for what's about to happen with Evan. I don't trust my voice right now so I just nod as Evan's fingers dip round the hem of my shorts. She peals the shorts slowly off my legs, then reaches for my underwear. She looks up again as I nod for her to continue. Evan slowly moves my underwear down my legs, for the first time ever I feel self conscious at the fact Evan's seeing me nearly naked. Evan pulls my underwear completely off and looks up at me "your beautiful" she whispers in a daze. I smile as her hands start to run over my thighs, Evan's touch tingling everywhere she goes. She then lowers her head kissing up my right thigh, she started at the knee and works her way up my inner thigh. Closer and closer till she stops and switches to the other thigh. I sit up slightly shocked to look at her "are you actually teasing me right now?" She chuckles and softly bites down on my left thigh as I throw myself back down against the mattress. My breathing is heavy, my knuckles white from gripping the bedsheet feeling Evan's breath against my core. You know when your reaching the top of the rollercoaster and your waiting for the moment to get to the top and then drop. That's what this feels like then Evan places her tongue and swipes up through my folds. My back arches instantly at the feeling of Evan's tongue on me. She swipes her tongue up again before circling it round my clit. Her hands firmly placed round on both of my hips keeping me in position, she circles round and round then flicking it before repeating the motion again. "What the fuck?" I shout out clearly not caring if her aunt or brother come back. I'm so confused at how Evan is good at this. She brings my clit between her lips and sucks on it, my eyes nearly bulge out of my head as my hand grips the back of her head. "Fucking hell evan" I moan feeling my orgasm coming already. Her right hand comes up the bed reaching for mine. Clasping one hand in hers and the other on the back of her head, she moves her tongue down pushing it inside me. This sends me over the edge as I tighten round Evan's tongue, my back arches again and I throw my head out as my orgasm hits me. "Evan!" I cry as it completely washes over me. I'm in a daze looking at the roof trying to catch my breath back, Evan's hand unclasps from mine. The hand I had on the back of her head is brought up to my mouth as I lay there shocked. Evan places my underwear and shorts back up my legs before climbing back up to me. "Was that ok?" She whispers down leaning completely over me. I'm actually mute just laying here trying to comprehend what just happened. "You ... you ... have you ... have you done that before?" I pant out as Evan chuckles. She's fully leaning over the top of me, looking down at me as my hand fluffs up her hair. She shakes her head no and smiles seeing me absolutely done in. "Was it ok?" By the look on her face she knows damn well it was more than ok. "That was .... Amazing" I breath out as she leans down to kiss me. I can taste myself on her lips as she nearly devours me. "How did you ... know what to do? That ... Evan Parker explain" I state pushing her off me as she laughs. She's flat on her back laughing at me as I look at her waiting for her to explain. "I'm a nerd remember, I pay attention in health class and also my aunt may had a really really awkward chat with Peter and I when we were like fourteen" Evan manages to say after hysterically laughing. "Hmmm so I have your aunt may to thanks for that?" I tease leaning my head on her chest and wrapping an arm around her. "And Mrs Thornton" Evan chuckles wrapping her arms around me and kissing my forehead. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Evan whispers as a silence falls around us. My eyes are feeling heavy "we could go a nap? Then phone a delivery for dinner?" I look up at Evan as I snuggle in closer to her. "You nap, I'll phone dinner so it's here when you wake up" Evan kisses my head again and pulls me in closer to her.

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