What mark??

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Kate's PoV

Stretching out in my bed my body instantly aches. Not fully awake my hand reaches out to the right side of my bed. As my hand reaches out, all I feel is a cold empty sheet. Peering my eyes open I see nothing but an empty bed. Evan wouldn't.... Evan wouldn't have left me? Sitting upright my eyes scan the floor seeing everything gone but her shirt. Pushing the covers off my bare legs I bend down and grab Evan's shirt off the floor placing it round my shoulders and buttoning it up. Flicking my hair out from under the shirt and jumping in my underwear before making my way towards the door. Swinging open the door I'm instantly met with the smell of food cooking. Following the smell into the kitchen a smile stretches across my face seeing Evan standing at the stove singing her heart out. "Watch us go round and round each time. You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye. And I got that red lip classic thing that you like..." "oh you do do you?" Evan turns round screaming slightly whilst holding a spatula. Her hand comes up to clasp her chest as she points the spatula at me "that's not funny". Approaching her I wrap my arms round her neck "I'm sorry baby. Didn't realise I had Taylor swift in my kitchen. How ever do I pay for this performance?" I tease as she wraps her arms around me, looking down at me lovingly. "I'm sure you can think of a way" she leans forward pressing a small kiss to my lips. "Mhm I'm sure I can" my hands drop to the waistband of her pants as she deepens the kiss. Lust fills my body again and honestly I can't get enough of Evan. "Morning lovers" a shriek belonging to Yelena sounds down the hall "hope your decent". Rolling my eyes I push myself off Evan who groans and turns back to the stove. Walking round the kitchen island I take a seat at the table not looking up when the others walk into the kitchen. "So how was your alone time" MJ wiggles her eyebrows as she sits opposite me. "Mhm it was nice. Yous even gave us till 8am on the dot" I sneer picking up a muffin and placing it on my plate. "What you making Evan?" Peter shouts as he sits next to MJ "bacon and eggs .... There's potatoes and pancakes already on the table". I watch Evan and fall into a daydream thinking about last night. Yelenas face appears in front of me breaking me out of my daydream. A look of mischief covers her face as she points at me "nice hickey Kate". My face falls into my hands as Evan walks over to the table holding two plates. "Nice abs Evan" Yelena smirks as Evan leans over placing the plates in the middle of the table. After she places the plates down she turns back round to grab her coffee. "Evan what happened to your back?" My eyes widen looking down at the muffin I'm tearing apart on my plate as poor Evan turns round in a flash hiding her back. Yelena who was mid sipping her coffee splutters and nearly chokes laughing. "Em ... what nothing... I em .... Kate I need my shirt" she looks at me panicked. Looking down at Evan's shirt I realise that's all I'm wearing apart from my underwear "em baby, I can't unless we go up to my room". Looking up at her sympathetically she throws her head back accepting defeat and walks back over to the table. "Did I say something wrong?" Peter whispers to MJ as my face gets redder and redder. "No Pete you didn't" Evan smiles at him as she takes a seat beside me. Kissing the side of my head she pulls her plate towards her and loads it with everything on the table. Watching her I can't help but smile seeing her so engrossed in her food. The table falls silent as everyone digs into the breakfast that Evan cooked. I can't help the yawn that comes from my mouth and before I can hide it Yelena catches it. "Why so tired Kate?" She teases as Pietro and MJ laugh. Peter ... poor Peter just looks confused before I can react Evan answers Yelena back "she's tired because she hardly slept...because we ... well I can't speak for both of us but I certainly was having thee best night of my life". Pushing myself off my chair and onto Evan's lap I pull Evan's face towards me and kiss her. She wraps her right arm around me, immediately kissing me back before breaking apart. The both of us smiling against each others mouths when Yelena asks "so did you's have sex or not?". Evan laughs as my head swivels round "yes Yelena fine yes we had sex happy?". They all look at us shocked, I lift my hand to pinch the bridge of my nose when I hear munching beside me. Releasing my nose I look at Evan who looks so unfazed as she continues to eat her breakfast. Sensing the silence again, Evan looks up at us all with a mouthful of pancake, she slowly swallows as her eyes land on me. Lifting myself off Evan and moving back to my seat I begin to laugh when Evan asks "do you have anymore questions or can I eat my bacon?". Peter points at Evan "you ... you had sex last night for the first time and I'm only hearing about this now?". Evan looks down at her bacon before looking at Evan "Peter what exactly did you want me to do? Run down the hall straight after?". All of us burst out laughing apart from Evan and Peter who continue the conversation "I mean ... not right after but I thought you would have told me first" "Pete, I woke up came to make Kate breakfast which thankfully I made loads of because you guys joined and you came into the room with everyone". Looking up at Yelena I can't help but laugh as they continue "what's on your back?" "I don't know Pete surprisingly I can't see my back now can I" "well it's all marked Evan" "what do you mean it's all marked? Marked how?". I can't handle this conversation anymore, my hand covers my mouth hoping to hide the laugh and smile watching the two bicker. "Marked in a way that Kate reaaaalllly enjoyed her night" I look up at pietro because he rarely gets involved in conversations like this. "You have no idea" my attention moves from pietro to Evan who is already looking at me as she leans cuddling into me ... with a bit of bacon in her hand.

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