Wheres my evan?

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Kate's PoV

We are still stuck in this car as the others are fighting outside. "Cap can't you do something?" I snap at him getting annoyed with hanging upside down so long. "Do you not think if I could do something I would have by now??? This seatbelt is stuck and won't pull any further" he tugs at the seatbelt continuously. "Rip the fucking seatbelt cap!" Yelena shouts at him as a look of realisation crosses his face. We can hear them all shouting through the comms and just as cap breaks himself free I hear Peter "Evan?". They all look at me as my heart drops. It can't be. "Cap get me out of this car right now" I shout, the need to be outside heightened at hearing Peter say Evan. "Kate you don't know..." " get me the fuck out of this car now" I cut Yelena off and point to cap.

Peters PoV

"Evan it's me your brother remember?" Evan stalks towards me swinging her fists. It's like it's not even her anymore. "Evan! Remember it's me Peter! Please remember! Me you and aunt may!" I shout whilst flipping back away from the powerful swings. Just as I'm about to be hit by Evan, Wanda drops down and with a flash of red, she sends Evan flying backwards as she lands on her back. "Peter I don't know how to hold her" Evan's fighting against wandas power. She begins to stand up and slowly move closer to us. Wanda dropping to her knees to hold Evan back as Evan fights against the powerful red surge. Tony then drops beside me "kid is that your sister?" He points to my much bigger and much stronger sister. "Em .... Kinda. Mr stark how do we help her" I turn round and face him. "Right take this" he hands me a small metal circle. "Get this on her arm I'll get it on the other and then with the push of..." he points to a button on his suit "this button the magnetic force will tighten around her hands and pull them together! There's no way she will break free! Ok go". The next second he's gone and circling Evan waiting to swoop down. Using a web on each side I pull myself back and launch towards Evan who is still fighting against Wanda. I manage to grab her right arm and pull it round her back quickly taking her off guard. "Mr stark!!!!" I shout pushing the metal ring onto Evan's arm. She swivels round quickly and in a matter of seconds she swings her right arm back and pummels me into the upside down car. Mr stark quickly swoops down and whilst she's distracted watching me he quickly places the ring on her left hand. She turns round to hit him but before she can he presses the button and her arms slam together at the back. I'm knelt down trying to get the wind back into my lungs after Evan punched it out as Natasha, Wanda, Tony and Thor all stand beside me looking at Evan who is now kneeling on the floor handcuffed at the back. She lifts her gaze from the ground and looks at us. Tony steps forward "Evan?". Evan looks up at Tony and smiles "hail hydra". Tony looks to Thor who quickly swings mjolnir, smacking Evan and knocking her out. "Tony why did you do that?" I stand up, rage taking over from seeing them hurt her. "We need to get her back to the compound" he turns round pressing his comms "Jarvis. We need the quinjet and a secure holding unit suitable for the super soldier serum ... now please".

Kate's PoV

"Fucking finally" I grunt as I drop form the seatbelt that captain just snapped for me. "Oh yeh don't worry about us kate" Yelena shouts as I'm already crawling out the broken window. There was a lot of commotion in the comms and I could only hear bits and pieces. I walk round the car seeing just the top of their heads. My gaze follows theirs to the floor where a body lays. At that moment I was sure my heart stopped for a moment. Faintly I can hear Peter shouting me "Kate!" I slowly walk towards the unconscious body. It doesn't look like Evan. The Evan I knew was five foot five and weighed around 90 pounds. The person in front of me is at least six foot and easily weighs double that. You can see it with the left arm they have on display. The upper arm looking like carved marble. It's only as I get closer and kneel down that I properly see their face causing me to gasp. It's my Evan but not my Evan. The Evan I knew when we were 16 nearly 17 looked like a 16 year old. This Evan is far more mature. "Evan?" I croak looking down at her like I'm expecting an answer. Am I dreaming? I go to reach out to touch her just to make sure but then the quinjet arrives and I'm quickly pulled away from her.

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