ZS 5

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It has been DAYS since I last talked to River.

Don't get me wrong, he's been texting me non-stop still, asking me if I was fine, but I always just replied with 'I'm still sick' and 'I'm busy'.

Truthfully, I don't even know why I was so affected about this shit.

I did tell him I didn't wanna date, so I honestly don't know why I'm being so sad and mad about seeing him kiss another girl. I mean, we're just friends, and this thing between us is pure casual so I should not be stressing over it.

In other news, I'm glad my best friend is getting laid. I haven't been laid in a while, and while that might not sound much, but I swear to god, River's dick must have some weird hold on me because I can not get over it for the love of me.

Yeah... yeah that's it.

Maybe that's the only reason why I've been so cranky these past days. It's because I just miss his dick. Yeah. That's it.

A couple more days passed, and while I was back to having cranky mornings and off days, I still had to go to class.

As I walked around campus to go meet up with some people from my class for lunch, phone in my hand, I quickly get pulled to the side. I didn't even have time to scream before I realized who just pulled me. River. The one person I wasn't in the mood to see right now.

"Oh my god, you didn't have to pull me that hard" I told him as I stretched my arms

"Sorry" he mumbled "Why have you been avoiding my texts?" he asked. I quickly scrunched my eyebrows up in fake confusion. Of course I wasn't gonna tell him that I was doing it because of what happened Friday. And after I said I didn't wanna date anyone? No of course not. What am I, a hypocrite? I'm sticking to my story!

"I'm not, I just haven't been feeling good lately" I told him as I tried my best to avoid eye contact. He, however, just looked at me like he wasn't believing my bullshit story. As he should.

"Is it because of what you saw? Because I can explain that" River said

"No! Of course not!" I said so fast it sounded a little defensive to be honest. "And plus, we're not dating. You don't have to explain it" I said, taking him aback, which made me feel a bit annoyed, because why? You're the one kissing every other girl on campus and you're the one shocked at that? The freaking audacity.

When I was sure that he wasn't saying anything, I just rolled my eyes and walked past him to turn to the corner, but he quickly grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Okay, if you don't want to listen to my explanation, at least listen to what I'm about to say right now" River began. I sighed and crossed my arms, which he took as cue that I was waiting for him to continue talking "I like you, okay. I like you. And I'm gonna be honest, I don't wanna date anyone as well, but I really liked spending time with you and I wanna keep spending time with you"

I don't know what it was. Maybe it was the way he spoke or the way he worded it out, but whatever it was, it instantly melted my heart. Oh my god, I'm folding so fast this isn't funny!

"But... if you tell me that you don't like me back... I'll stop bothering you" he said, quickly shattering my now melted heart. I mean to be fair, it's not super melted, you know. If it was the iceberg that killed off Leonardo Dicaprio and everyone else on the titanic, they'd instead be alive and well telling their great grandchildren about that night right now.

So I sighed

"River--" I began, but he quickly cut me off

"Just tell me, Casey" River said "Tell me you don't like me back and I'll stop"

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