ZS 9

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"You're a fucking idiot, you know that?" I tell Caleb as soon as me and Hailey took Caleb home from the hospital. Apparently, this idiot thinks he's superman or something and decided to not mind his own business and "save" some girl who was getting harassed or something.

A part of me was so proud at my brother for doing that, but the other part of me was mad that he decided to run his mouth and couldn't even back it up. What a pussy!

"I don't know why you're so mad though, if it was either of you two, you would've like it if a random guy stepped up and helped you" Caleb said as he grabbed the ice pack out of Hailey's hand and mumbled a thanks. 

"Look, we're not mad at you about that. We're mad 'cuz you went there with zero plan to back it up, dumb ass. Now go to your room" I told him. He however just rolled his eyes and went to his room in silence like a kid with me and Hailey watching him.

Once his door had closed, I turned to Hailey.

"Be grateful that Hans isn't as dumb as Caleb" I said, making Hailey snort as she passed a glance at Caleb's room.

"Oh trust me, Hans wanna be like Caleb when he grows up. He's getting there" Hailey added before we both laughed and decided to leave and go back to campus and let Caleb rest.

Once my last class for the day was over, I bid my friends goodbye and went out of the room with River waiting for me.

"How's Caleb?" he asked before subconsciously taking my books out of my hand and carrying it. This wasn't the first time he did this, but it still shocked me every time he did. He really made being my fake boyfriend his career and I was loving it.

"Good, I'm actually glad you picked me up after class 'cuz I gotta take care of him and make sure he doesn't have CTE or any concussion, and I was wondering if you'd be sweet enough to take care of him with me?" I asked River in my sweetest voice. He simply smiled and before I knew it he kissed my temple, sending extreme shock waves throughout my whole system.

"I mean, what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't, right?" he said before grabbing my hand as we started walking down the hall. I was still in shock while I let him whisk me out of the hallway.

We stopped by to get some takeouts so Caleb could just eat straight away when we get to my apartment. 

After forcing the bozo to eat dinner, he went back to his room to rest up like the pussy he is while me and River stayed in the living room and studied. 

Yup, we just studied the night.

Okay, maybe not. 

Maybe there was a couple of making out as study break, but other than that, we really did do just those two things. Exams was next week and we were both serious about school, so other than the study breaks, we really did study our asses off.

I didn't know how long we were there for doing absolutely the most boring thing we could, but at some point, I ended up opening my eyes and realized that River and I had fallen asleep on the couch, our books on our laps and chests, and our head leaning on each other's.

I quickly looked for my phone to check the time and once I noticed that it was already midnight, I slowly got out of River's arm and turned to him so I could wake him up so we could both go to my room and sleep.

"River. Wake up" I whisper but he wouldn't budge. "River" I call again. This time, he groans, and before I knew it, he quickly pulls me in for a hug and locks me in between his arms.

Given that we have made out and hooked up a couple of times already, being this close to him shouldn't affect me already.

But with dim light of the lamp behind him shining through his face, for some reason staring at his face in this position was making me feel... some type of ways. My breathing hitched and I wanted to throw up... but in a good way. Maybe. I don't know. 

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