(三尊, Sān Zūn)

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Nie Mingyu was now forced to a trip he has never wanted to be in the first place "You can let go of my  hand now Lan Xichen" Nie Mingyu said while trying to loosen Lan Xichen grib"I apologize Nie Mingyu its my first time out without Uncles permission and it a bit exciting to be honest, where are you taking us Jin Guangyao" Lan xichen said his attention going back to Jin Guangyao who still holding his hand focused on the distance

"Uh Sorry I didn't catch that" Jin Guangyao said finally directing his attention to the pair beside him he smiled as his eyes drifted to Lan Xichen who is also lightly smiling as he's waiting for Jin Guangyao's response he can't help but stare at his new friend he made his strong feactures accompanied by his white ribbon on his forehead only made him look more perfect then he already is and he can stare at him forever as Zewu jun smile was as pretty as his face and white uniform with hint of blue made him look angelic

"Well! Where are you taking us to Jin Guangyao" Nie Mingyu exclaimed breaking the slience staring contest Jin Guangyao amd Lan Xichen were having without him. "Sorry Nie Mingyu as I was saying we are heading to my private place were I flea too when in need for security and safety incase I'm in need for a place to rest" as they step into the area theres a very large cave with a water fall besides it the place looks breath taking and surrounded by beautiful flowers you could swear the place was a painting the way it looked every colour in surrounding nature blended together

"This place is wonderful Jin Guangyao it as beautiful as you" Lan Xichen said quickly biting his tougue realizing he complimented Meng Yao without any consciousness of his action "Thank you Lan Xichen" Jin Guangyao bowed  alerting Lan Xichen to bow as well "That such a big compliment for a person like myself and this place is way too pretty to be compared to a person like me" he slowly smiles looking at Lan Xichen's eyes for a moment its was only them who existed

"Urm I don't know what that was but I think I'm heading back before I GET in trouble Im sure  someone has realized we gone by now" Nie Mingyu said turning around to leave "Wait I want to see what lies in the cave before we leave" Lan Xichen said going a bit forward to stand beside Jin Guangyao. "Its okay Lan Xichen Nie Mingyu is right" Jin Guangyao says a bit disappointed. Nie Mingyu starts heading out of the garden leaving both them

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