garden of two

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"Meng yao I still want to see the cave" Lan Xichen says looking patiently at Jin Guangyao
"Okay since your begging we can see it" Meng yao teases They both enter the cave inside its filled with books and a place to rest and has been designed simply for the desire of comfort and peace

"Wow I did not know you read" "Lan Xichen we just meet I don't think you know anything about me yet" Jin Guangyao said coming closer to Lan Xichen's face almost inches away from each other. "Your right A Yao there isn't much I know from you but I am willing to learn" Lan Xichen added saying it slowly and softly" "I see well I think I said enough for you to know me haven't you heard about me I must say Im quite famous around here" Jin Guangyao said smiling almost in amusement but its still kept it innocence look on it

"what I have heard isn't important unless its comes out your own mouth Meny Yao so what do I need to know about you" Lan Xichen said hiding his blushing with a smile as the room seem to be a bit slightly warmer then before as his heart starts to bond a little faster and his eyes forcused solely on the person in front of him  "Well I do not need you to know about me as it nothing much to be known as it already running news around every clan of who I am" Meng Yao said slowly backing away "What others think of you doesn't matter because what I see in front of me is more important then light words that speak of nothing but gossip will ever change my mindset I have on you A yao" Lan Xichen said stepping closer to Jin Guangyao.

Jin Guangyao can't help but also feel fluttered by the words Lan Xichen speaks and the distance between them has became less. "I think we should have a swim before heading back" Jin Guangyao said smiling contently waiting for a response

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