dinner with family

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Which seems for a while since they finally broke off the hug. "A Yao you can come to me when you need me I will always be here you know where to find me right" Lan Xichen said looking at Jin guangyao with a hint of sadness in his voice he put his hands on his shoulder "Ill always be here A Yao and we should get ready too its almost time for supper Lan Wangji is probably waiting for my arrival "

Jin Guangyao did not say anything, only the swirling of his emotions and the person in front of him who cared for him he never had that in his life. Nobody cared about him, but he did. It felt confused but also relieved that maybe someone was not so evil to judge him from his background. They quickly got dressed and headed to dinner there. Lan Wanji had already seated his straight posture and food he was patiently staring at

"Wow, is that a statue?" Jin Guangyao chuckled as he came closer to the young boy. Lan Wangji stood up to greet them both "Good evening brother and young master" Lan Wangji said bowing " Hello brother thank you for waiting patiently I apologize for our late arrival as I was bringing a guest to join us for dinner" Lan Xichen nodding and they all sat down

"you both  look exactly alike accept his eyes are a lot darker gold and yours only have a tint of gold almost turning light brown" Jin Guangyao commented "Slience when eating" Lan Wangji said looking sharply at Jin Guangyao with a look that would kill a thousand men "Lan Wangji is custom to the Gusu clan rules and its one of the rules to remain slience when eating" Lan Xichen said smiling obviously amused by this interaction .

"Oh, I apologize, young master Lan," Jin Guangyao said and began eating. The dinner was blended and had no taste but could tell its main purpose was for nutritional value. Soon, dinner was over, and they all headed to their own chambers as tomorrow was training and needed to be refreshed Lan Xichen took Jin Guangyao to his chamber bidding good night to him he went to his own. He laid awake, reminiscing about his day he had met someone  who only caused him trouble but can't help the attraction he has towards and what he is drawn to. "Was it his smile ? His perfect skin was it his eyes filled with expression art? Was it his melodic voice that he could listen to even when it led him astray?" All these questions flowed in his mind, finally tiring him out he slept in his normal routine.

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