maybe us ? or just you

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Soon Jin Guangyao woke up as the sun raise first and hits his room first. "Shit we did it we still aren't wearing anything" Jin Guangyao said trying to slowly get Lan Xichen off who fell alseep still inside him. "Why is he like this who even does that" Jin Guangyao slipping away he got dressed not seeing his own rob he quickly wore Lan Xichen's inner rob

He went on to prepare water so they can both shower its was still early at dawn and Lan Xichen hasn't been customized to this early dawn araise he woke up at 6 everyday and still had a few hours until then so waking up would be trouble.

Jin Guangyao tried to shake him awake he was still sleeping he seemed like he was long out cold "We didn't do it that long he can't be that stimulus that his half dead" Jin Guangyao taught as he looked at him his beautiful face and he looked so structured and looked like a sketch of the center as he seemed unreal "even asleep he looks like a painting" Jin Guangyao taught to himself standing over him

Lan Xichen finally slowly began to wake up feeling the eyes looking down at him "morning A Yao" Lan Xichen said before realizing he wasn't in his chamber nor clothes "I apologize Meng Yao" Lan Xichen said quickly stood up bowing for forgiveness. "Haha no need to apologize this something we both did I need to apologize as well" Jin Guangyao said handing him a rob "Go freshen up while I try to go fetch food" Jin Guangyao said as he left to take some food outside.

He came back with a tray as training has began as time passed quickly he entered with the food and sat down and Lan Xichen who was already seated waiting for him Jin Guangyao was dressed in his own clan attire with a under rob
that belonged to the man his staring at who began to eat.

"WHERE IS THIS MOTHERFUCKER JIN GUANGYAO!!! THAT SON OF A BITCH WHERE THE FUCK IS HE" A voice that roared with angerr and fury outside that seemed to get closer .

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