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This takes place after all the shizbang that happened in season 4 & 5 aka after all the shit was done & dealt with. Yokohama is now back to normal...ish-

Warning, this oneshot contains:

-Kunikida being a simp
-Mentions of Dachuu
-Obviously, Kunichuu

Kunikida's pov

Looking down at my now, fully healed hands, I moved my fingers, trying to get used to this feeling again after...that event that happened.

Thankfully, Yokohama was back to normal again. Everyone is safe & sound, no major deaths that occurred, some minor injuries here and there but that's something Doctor Yosano can't not fix. It really is an honour to have her in the agency. Without her, I doubt that most of us would heal quick enough...or worse.

Closing my eyes, I leaned against my chair, remembering back to the chaos and potential war that could have broken out. To add to that, the destruction of Yokohama.

As I was replaying the events in my head, I couldn't help but repeat this same scene, again and again. It was...odd, considering the fact that the reason this specific memory was replaying back non-stop was that of the Port Mafia's executive, Nakahara Chuuya, the Gravity Manipulator. I bit back at the sudden thought of the ginger haired man.

Despite his arrogant, cocky personality, one can say that he really is, I dare say, a true beauty. He's really pretty, for a male. I've never encountered a beauty such as him. Yes, there is that idiot Dazai who is also attractive and very good looking, but Nakahara's beauty is even more so unique than that of Dazai's. With his small petite height, thick strong thighs and small waist, he truly is built different. Not only his body, but his eyes too are a sight to look at, his smile was, well, truth be told, he looked cute with a smile adorned on his face. I honestly would want him to smile more- wait, what am I saying?

Anyways, he could easily pass off as a model if I didn't know any better, a fellow Mafia executive.

Sighing, I opened my eyes, trying to shift my focus to something else other than the petite mafia but it seems that my mind had other plans. It decided to replay the exact words he had shouted from the helicopter, as he came to rescue us,

"You f*cked up detective agency! I'm here to save your asses-"

With that beautiful smile adorning his face, the ladders were thrown down as we grabbed onto it. I remember entering the helicopter and seeing him sitting there, with one leg crossed over the other. Damn it, he really was a beauty- still is, because somehow, I can't get him out of my head.

Frustrated, I stood up and closed my laptop before marching out of the office, ignoring Atsushi who was calling out my name. I must admit, this is very much unlike me to suddenly walk away from work that has yet to be completed, but with this constant image of Nakahara replaying in my head like some broken cassette tape, it was really difficult for me to concentrate.

I was walking aimlessly and finally found myself at the bridge where Dazai & I first met Atsushi- and the moment where I was trying to find Dazai, for the idiot had gone ahead and tried to drown himself again. I should really write down the different methods he's had tried and other potential methods that he could try to prepare myself when the situation ever arise again.

Just as I was looking down at the flowing water, there I saw, the man himself. Surprisingly, not in the water but just standing there, staring longingly into it. I moved with haste towards the bandaged man.

"Oi, Dazai! So, this is where you were! I should have known!"

I scolded the man, hitting him with my notebook. The said man screeched dramatically at the impact, whining like a little child,

"Ow! Kunikida-kun, how could you! That hurt ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ "

Rolling my eyes, he then turned to look at me with a slightly serious look after moments of silence.

"You didn't come here to find me, did you?"

The question caught me off guard but nonetheless, I answered him,

"Well, I wasn't expecting you to be here in the first place. Especially not just standing here and staring into the water. Though..."

"Hm? Something bothering you, Kunikida-kun?"

Tilting his head to the side, he asked. He looked like a lost puppy, but I knew better that he certainly has a gist that it was not something but was actually a someone.

"Mhm, you could...say that. It's embarrassing to say it though-"

"Oho~ Embarrassing you say? Why, does the uptight man have a certain small crush on someone?"

Dazai teased, poking me. My eyes twitched at his constant teasing. This man will not shut up until I say so-

"Okay fine! No, it's not a crush, I have no time for such thing. And to answer your previous question, it's Nakahara. He's that someone who has been bothering me. Happy?"

At the mention of the executive's name, Dazai's expression seemed to turn dark. His smile faltered, slowly resting into a thin line. His face was now expressionless. His tone when he asked me another question was also rather cold.

"Chuuya? What did he do to miraculously have Kunikida so...bothered?"

Chuuya? He was on a first name basis with him? How long have they known each other for?

Taking a deep breath, I answered my partner with slight hesitance.

"Well, I- He...it was when he saved us from the Hunting dogs."

"Oh? Care to tell me more, Kunikida?"

What? What more should I say?

"Uhm. Okay, look, for some odd reason, I can't get his face out of my head. He's just so...so...pretty. Dangerously pretty for a guy. It's frustrating! How can I complete my reports if that Gravity manipulator keeps appearing?"

Blurting out my thoughts, I just noticed how unresponsive and silent Dazai had been. Regaining my composure, I flicked his forehead to gain back his attention- to which I then realized his clutched fists. What's that all about? 

As if like a switch, he switched back to his usual bubbly, weird self that we were all used to seeing.

"Of all people, why must you get so smitten for that slug?! There are so many other humans out there and yet that chibi caught your attention? Tch, your taste is horrible-"

"What the hell Dazai!? I'm not smitten-"

"Yes, you are! It's written all over your face and- Wait, you like guys!?"


"Then why'd you keep thinking of the slug? And you called him, PRETTY-"


"Yeah, right. And by the way, he is my dog! He already has an owner!"

"Wha- don't call him that! He's a human for god's sake! Don't dehumanize him like that, you waste of bandages!"

"But he always has been my dog ever since he lost the bet back when I was still in the mafia! So, he still is!"

Getting tired of this useless, childish argument, I dragged Dazai back to the office much to his dismay and constant thrashing and whining.


Sitting himself down on his seat, he sulked and looked away with his arms folded.

"He's mine. My dog."

This damn idiot Dazai-



HAHA! How was that? Was it to your liking? Or was it horrendous? Either way, I hoped you enjoyed it, my loves~

If you don't...sleep with one eye open tonight darlin ;)

[I'm kidding, if you don't, that's quite alright~ Just don't be so harsh on me, yeah~]

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