My Petite Partner~; Part 2

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"Well, would you look at that. The ex-mafioso has honed some impressive detective skills. I'm impressed, Nakahara."

I heard Kunikida commented, though in a teasing tone, I could practically hear the smile through his voice. Rolling my eyes at the dirty-blonde haired male, I huffed as I started to walk towards the secret entrance.

"Being a mafioso didn't mean I was all about violence & bursting through doors like no one's business, alright. I have a least the basic decency for privacy & common sense, glasses. I may not be as smart as that idiot, but I do know my stuff alright?"

I spat, annoyed at how these detective bastards were quick to make assumptions about a violent, brutal, mafioso- ex-mafioso, like me. I hate that they only view me as that & not just another normal human being...if I could even call myself that. Tch, annoying assholes.


Kunikida's Pov

'Have I, hit a nerve? He's been awfully quiet after he answered to my starter to a small talk. Did I say something wrong? All I did was point out how he's smarter than he looks-'

"Could you stop staring at me? It's making me uncomfortable, mr. ex-mathematician. And Dazai says you're uptight & gets the job done asap. Is he for once wrong or what?"

Chuuya glared up at me, analyzing me hard. For a person who is shorter than me, he sure seems to make me slightly intimidated under his gaze. I mean, I guess I shouldn't be all too surprised at that fact, considering his previous profession. So that was the infamous Nakahara Chuuya, Port Mafia's ex-executive & their trump card. Well, now, he's the detective agency's trump card. But I shouldn't really view him as just a special asset to our team, that makes me sound like I'm merely using him for his ability. Though, I have heard from Dazai himself that Chuuya's one of the top martial artists back in the mafia. I should probably ask for a friendly sparring with him after this mission is done. That way, I could know his strengths & weaknesses. Not only that, but to better understand my future work partner. Ah, to be partnered with the renowned Double Black honestly sounds terrifying.

"Dazai is right though. I apologise for lacking right now. I'm not really in the right state of mind as of current..."

My mind decided to replay the scene that happened moments ago when I had seen Chuuya being surrounded by those drunk men & women. They were all practically eye stripping him, looking at him as if they were all about to devour the short male, like a predator about to pounce on their prey at any given moment. It somehow made me feel annoyed, seeing the way they looked at him like he's some toy to play with. I didn't know what came over me at that moment, but I had to get him away from them. He's mine after all.

"Yo, Doppo! I found something!"

Snapping out from my thoughts, I didn't realize that Chuuya had left me & was now across the room. When did that happen?

Shaking my head, I walked up to him. That's when I saw some...questionable pictures & the documents that we needed.

"That's it. Come on, we need to get Dazai & get the hell out of he-"

As I was packing up the documents & pictures to put them back in the file, I noticed how Chuuya was holding a piece of the document. He had this confused look on his face, which slowly distorted into that of fear & rage. Looking closely, I saw how he had started to shake, his breathing getting irregular.

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