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Kunichuu angst
Platonic(?) Dachuu angst


An AU where Dazai decided to fake his death after the prison arc. This takes place 4 years later. Note, this au has some foreshadowing(?) and spoilers(?) from BSD Beast manga. I sort of took some plot line from Beast Au into this AU.

 Apologies if they are way ooc & very much inaccurate. Might even be confusing but wtv.

Personally, not favouring this oneshot but I might as well publish it to see what you all think. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. 


Kunikida's pov

Everything was fine. Our life as partners was doing fine. It was lovely. Everything was so sweet, but not until he tried to kill me. Nakahara Chuuya, Port mafia executive, and my fiancé. He pulled a knife to my throat as he sat on top of me. The look in his eyes were dull. There was no sign of light, nor was there any hint of Chuuya. 

"Chuuya, please, come to your senses! Come on darling, I wouldn't want to resort into hurting you again."

I pleaded as I tried so hard to search in his eyes some hint of hope that he'd snap out of it. I really didn't want to hurt him, even in such a state. But I know that I'd eventually have to- no matter if he is my lover, I have to. Kicking him off, I quickly pulled out my notebook to summon a stunt gun. I saw Chuuya getting up slowly, his face was void of any expression- what the hell happened to him? Why is he like this? How did he become like this in the first place? He's the strongest martial artist I know and yet, somehow...

I suddenly felt a strong blow to the stomach and the next thing I know; I was flung across the warehouse we were in- the cartons of wooden boxes had prevented me from getting any further. Struggling to get up, I saw the red glowing light emitting from Chuuya. Getting myself up with much pain, I stumbled slightly. 

"Chuuya, that's enough."

That was when I heard this familiar voice. A voice we last heard 4 years ago. Osamu Dazai. What? How...He was pronounced dead at the scene! How is alive? 

"D-Dazai? How are you-"

Before I could question any further, I noticed how Nakahara had stopped approaching me. He was stood very still at the sound of Dazai's voice. Dazai, made his way towards Chuuya before he gently held the ginger's wrist. Chuuya blinked. He seemed to slowly come back to his senses as his eyes seem to hold more emotions. Though, the emotion that flooded his eyes was fear. His eyes darted around before stopping at the sight of me. His eyes widened. 

"W-what did I..."

"You weren't yourself. You never have been in the last 4 years. The day I disappeared."

I stood there shocked as I tried to process the information that I am hearing. The information only we knew, because Dazai himself has been gone for 4 years. How could he have known? Even so, if he knew that his disappearance would affect Chuuya so greatly, why did he fake his death? Chuuya was on the verge of going berserk for god's sake! Why would that bastard do that to him if he knew? Feeling the rage of anger taking over, I stomped my way to Dazai, before giving him a heck of a punch to the face. The man stumbled back as Chuuya watched in utter shock and confusion. 

"What the hell, Dazai! You knew he'd be like this and yet you still left him like that without a word?! You lied to us, to him! Why in the world would you do that shit, you bastard! Who in the right mind would fake their death, knowing damn well that it'll affect the man who trusts him, greatly! Chuuya almost went on a whole massacre because of you. And I'm 100% positive that you knew that fact, yet you chose to stay hidden for those 4 years?! What kind of human are you?"

Dazai stayed silent throughout, not moving an inch. I seethed at the bandaged male. Because of him, Chuuya almost went rouge. Because of him, the whole of Yokohama almost got destroyed. What the hell was this idiot thinking? He knew how Chuuya would react, yet he still decided to pull that stunt and live in the shadows while we were out here grieving for him, not knowing that he was still alive and well. 

"Human huh? That's funny, because I don't ever recall labelling myself as one, Kunikida. That aside, I only did that to protect Chuuya."

Dazai laughed. What? He's got to be kidding right? The audacity he has-

"Protect? Protect Chuuya? Well, your definition of protect sure is messed up because Chuuya almost got himself killed! Not only that, but he almost killed the whole of Yokohama! He had to be contained for 2 years, Dazai! 2 whole years! Kyoka was devastated hearing that, you know that right? I was devastated. So, what could you possibly be protecting him from if not himself?"

The male looked at me with cold eyes. Eyes that I don't think I've ever looked at before in my life of knowing him- if I ever knew him.

"Myself. I was protecting him from me, Kunikida. Because I could never be the best compared to you. He deserves you more, so, I forced him to let go of me. I believe that worked, isn't that right, Chuuya."

He smiled softly at Chuuya. Chuuya was still silent throughout Dazai and I's conversation. I suppose even he was trying to process whatever we're saying. Chuuya looked away before replying, with fists clenched, 

"You bastard. You damn bastard!"

He raised his hands and slapped him. I could see the tears that was threatening to fall, but it didn't.

"You...You could have at least told me. You did the same shit when you defected from the mafia. You left without telling me while I stayed in the mafia, not knowing if you were alive or dead for 7 fvcking years! The day I heard that you presumably died, I lost it because I didn't know if you would actually be alive- because that's how you are! Unpredictable bastard!"

He gave a strong punch to the face, Dazai now on the ground, avoiding Chuuya's gaze. Moving to Chuuya's side, I slowly placed a hand on his shoulder, calming him down. Ah, right, they used to be partners. Then again, did Dazai really just up & left him without a word? 

"Nothing's new, is it? You'll always never tell me anything despite everything we've been through. Tell me, Osamu, who the hell am I to you?"

Silence was followed. Dazai did not even look at Chuuya. Does he...regret whatever he did to Chuuya? Is he finally realizing that whatever he had done to Chuuya had impacted him? Dazai only stood in silence as he continued to look at the ground. Chuuya took that silence as an answer.

"You lied to me Osamu..." 

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