Two can play that game; Part 1

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A BSD High School setting, no abilities, they're all just normal angsty, lovely, teenagers~ Sounds normal, right? Wrong~ What if I told you, there's a stalker in school grounds? What if that stalker, is a high school student himself? But what if...there was a twist? Curious? Read on to find out~

This oneshot will contain,

-Obsessive/Possessive behaviour
-May or may not be heavily OOC (my apologies)


3rd Person Pov

2 months. That was how long these mysterious love letters kept on appearing on Chuuya's desk. He didn't know who they were from. All he knew was that these letters were not from any of the girls. How he knows that? Well, his secret admirer had written in one of those letters that he was in fact, one of the male students in one of his classes. Chuuya was not foreign to this. Truth be told, both guys & girls has had given him love letters, small gifts & even chocolates. Yes, he was practically the school's heartthrob. 

To be honest, who wouldn't have a crush on the said male? Despite his petite stature & often getting into trouble, he's someone who is caring, understanding, smart, considerate & respectful. His pretty looks were a bonus. Though he may have some temperament issues, he tries his best not to take it out on anyone. Furthermore, he's kind, a little too kind- naive so to say. His best friend, Osamu, didn't like how Chuuya was too forgiving of people who had done him wrong. Yes, the petite male can protect himself well, but he was just too kind for this world filled with horrible people. Fortunately, those people who had done him wrong, well, let's just say, they would never bother Chuuya ever again.

Kunikida Doppo, a straight A's student, a teacher's pet & the vice-president of the student council. He was one of the top few students in Bungo High. Although uptight, Kunikida is someone who is very helpful, thoughtful & overall, a goody too shoes. The teachers love him- not in that way, majority of the students admire him. He was a regular obedient student who follows by the school rules. Not until he met Nakahara Chuuya. 

Just a year ago, Chuuya was a transfer student from France- well, technically speaking, he came back from France due to his older brother's work. Kunikida being the Vice-president of the student council, he was assigned to escort & be Chuuya's guide for that year. The very moment Chuuya had stepped into the office, Kunikida couldn't not take his eyes off of him. A true beauty that young male was, truly a beauty that is out of this world. Kunikida's eyes had wandered to Chuuya's small waist. To not seem like a creep, Kunikida shook his head and simply gave the small male a soft, warm smile. Kunikida had not stop thinking about the boy & his obsession only grew the more he spent time with Chuuya. He noticed how his heart would start to race any time the two had any form of contact, whenever Chuuya smiles & how his eyes would light up, how soft & plump Chuuya's lips looked. He also had thought, how it would feel like to have him in his arms, how it would feel like to touch him at all the right places.


"Yo, Kunikida? You there?"

Snapping out of his thoughts, he looked up from his desk, only to see the beauty himself, Chuuya, sitting on the table in front of him, as his head rested on one of his knees, head tilted to the right. 


Was all Kunikida thought before smiling at him.

"Dazai's waiting for us outside already, come on!"

Chuuya took Kunikida by the hand as he dragged him out of the classroom. Kunikida felt his face heat up at the contact of Chuuya's soft skin on his rough ones. Unbeknownst to him, someone else was also experiencing the same. Dazai who was on his phone, looked up only to see his best friend holding hands with his other best friend. Dazai cringed at the sight.

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