Hide n Seek

229 3 2

Warning, this oneshot contains:

-Ooc characters
-Slight spice😏
-Slight Dachuu


Third person pov

He ran. Searching desperately for a safe place to hide. To hide away from him. Slightly panicking as he realized that the path, he had taken was close to an end. With zero hiding spots, he stopped briefly, frantically scanning the area before finally, he had found a place to hide. Quickly, he managed to crawl through this small gap that was present. The shutter that was lodged with some things preventing it from fully closing.

Kunikida held his breath as he heard the footsteps of Port Mafia executive, Nakahara Chuuya, growing closer. Yes, he could easily spar with him, one on one. He is, after all, the ADA's most strongest martial artist. Though, this was different. He knew he couldn't win against Nakahara Chuuya. The executive may be petite, but boy does the pretty lad hides such immense strength.

"Doppo~ I know you're around here. There's no where else to go, darlin~"

Chuuya chuckled as he sung Kunikida's name. The blonde sat still in the area he was in. It was sort of like a small garage, a place where people would place useless items or no longer used items there- sort of like a dumping ground. Hence, he had to stay still at all costs. One wrong move and something might move and topple, a sure dangerous indicator for his location. Sweat dripping, hands shaking in slight fear as he prayed that the petite ginger would leave soon.

"Kuni...it's not nice to hide away from your love.You can't hide from me, Kuni dear~"

Chuuya sung sadly as he began to walk closer to where Kunikida was hiding. Hearing his voice grow dangerously close, Kunikida's breath hitched.

No. Please don't search here, please. Just go away damn it!

Kunikida chanted in his head, praying that the male would eventually do so. He didn't. He instead, stood in front of the place where Kunikida was hiding; unmoving, before slowly facing towards the shutter.

Sensing that someone could be in there, Chuuya smiled sinisterly. Immediately, the shutter glowed red & was forced opened by his ability. With that opened, there he saw...were nothing but a pile of useless things. Unbeknowest to him, Kunikida had quickly hid behind a table the moment the male opened the shutter. Using the loud noise that the shutter made, Kunikida had used the opportunity to change his hiding spot- albeit it being risky, he had no other choice. Narrowing his eyes, Chuuya was not content with this. He was sure that his Kunikida was hiding here...somewhere. Stepping inside, he closed the shutter, in case the man decided to sneak out as he searched the area.

Kunikida silently cursed at the executive's quick thinking.

Well, he's an executive for a reason.

He bitterly reminded himself before trying to think of a way to escape. Searching around with the limited view he had, he tried to find a ventilation shaft or some sort. Chuuya walked cautiously, making sure that he never missed a spot where his love could potentially be hiding. Finally, Kunikida had found a vent that was on the left side of the room, in the corner. But just as he saw it, Chuuya had stopped right in front of the desk Kunikida was hiding under. He slowly got annoyed at this point.

Great, could this get any more worse? I have to find something to distract him...

That's when he found a pen, laying on the ground. A string of hope had presented itself before his very eyes. Taking the pen, he threw it on back on himself, where the shutter was. Hearing the sound, Chuuya immediately went to investigate.

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