A drunk confession

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Third person Pov

It was a night to remember, a miracle, so to say. Why? Well, Dazai had just managed to drag Kunikida out from the agency to have a relaxing night where he need not worry over the pile of reports that had to be done by the end of the week. Technically speaking, he had literally 4 days & the workload isn't really much. But Kunikida being the responsible workaholic, finds that 4 days is not enough. Plus, he had other plans in mind so, the earlier he finishes his work, the better. Though, he has to ensure that they were done well, or he'd flip out & redo the whole report. 

Ranpo & Yosano was also out with them. They had received the green light from Fukuzawa himself so, Kunikida couldn't really argue with that. Beaming with delight, Dazai was walking down the steps of his favourite bar, Lupin Bar, with a bounce in his steps. Kunikida followed behind, albeit begrudgingly, whilst Ranpo & Yosano were casually having a conversation about whatever. 

"Ah! We finally managed to get Kunikida-kun out from his little burrow~"

Teased Dazai as they sat at a nearby booth, Kunikida seating across the bandaged man while Yosano sat by his side, Ranpo taking a seat beside Dazai. 

"You got that right. Mr. Grumpy here deserves a small break from gluing his ass on his chair for so long."

Added Yosano, who chuckled at the image of a raging Kunikida who was furiously doing up the reports, in hopes to complete them as soon as possible. Ranpo, who was snacking in the corner, nodded in agreement. 

"I swear, this man is always the first to arrive at work, I'm scared that he casually stays overnight & forgets to shower-"

"Ranpo-San! Don't go around spreading misinformation! And I'm not grumpy."

The three of them gave Kunikida a look of uncertainty. 

"You sure about that? Cause' if I remember correctly, there was this one time where you yelled at me- wait, you always do. Anyways, you kept yelling at me to shut up when all I did was breath!"

Kunikida raised an eyebrow at Dazai. 

Is he serious, right now?

"Yes, your whole existence makes me rage to the point I am willing to throw you off the damn building-"

"AH! But Kunikida-kunnn! I have yet to find an attractive young woman who would be willing to have a double suici-"

"Oh, shut your trap, you suicidal maniac!"

A familiar voice slurred not far from them. Looking at the direction of where the voice was coming from, there stood the one and only, Nakahara Chuuya, gravity manipulator & port mafia executive. 

"Tch, great. Chibi is here to ruin the air. How fun!"

Dazai tsked at the presence of the short strawberry-blonde haired man. He was cut off by Kunikida who had kicked him from under the table, making the bandaged man yelp in pain.

"Sorry about him, Nakahara."

"Didn't I tell ya already...to call me *hic* Chuuya? No need formalities, Mr. cute *hic* glasses guy~"

Chuuya slurred as he swayed a little, managing to stabilize himself despite being already under heavy influence of the alcohol. Now, Chuuya is no alcoholic, he just enjoys collecting them but whenever he's having a rather bad day, he frees himself by drowning himself in alcohol. Coincidentally, today was the day where he decides to let himself loose, which, by the way, a certain someone does not approve of. Taking another swig of the drink in his hand, he tilted his head as he gazed at Kunikida. 

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