Battlefield; Part 1

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-Forbidden love
-Arahabaki & Vita Lux Amor (VLA)* Kingdom is at war
-POV switches between their past life (Royal) & current (ADA & PM)
-Character death in past life 

Apologies if this is rather confusing & very ooc of them:')
P.s, I suck at naming kingdoms *smh*


"Your highness! We are being attacked by the Arahabaki Kingdom!"

Guards came dashing into the main room, as the General informed the King of the sudden attack. This news angered the King while others, were left in a state of shock. Especially their only child, Crown prince Kunikida Doppo. Not only did it shock the young prince, but he was also worried. Worried for his best friend, Nakahara Chuuya, who is both the young prince & the strongest knight, of the Arahabaki Kingdom. What others were unaware of, was the fact that Kunikida has a slight infatuation with their now enemy. 

The Arahabaki kingdom & The VLA Kingdom had been on good terms for as long as every kingdom & citizens had known. They had always helped & aided one another whenever a threat or problem arises. So, what was with this sudden betrayal? 

"What!? Do you have any more information on the matter? I know my good friend well enough to know that he wouldn't go to such measures..."

"It's because of his youngest son, sir. Young Nakahara was seen coming from our kingdom all injured. I suppose his guards assumed that their young master had been ambushed by our people & informed their King."

Kunikida flinched in fear. That's right. Just a few weeks ago, Chuuya & him were peacefully taking a stroll in the forest, catching up with one another before they were being attacked by some hooded figures. 

'No. This is all a misunderstanding. Although, what he said was true about Chuuya being ambushed, but it wasn't our people. I'm sure of it. They had this crest on the sleeves of their hoods. It was that of the Northern kingdom, The Mortem Kingdom, the kingdom that had always been their enemy ever since the betrayal of Ougai Mori, a healer who had taken the position of King after the previous King had died due to some unknown circumstances.'

"Wait! Father! This is all a misunderstanding!"

Kunikida voiced out, panic evident in his voice. 

"Doppo, now is not the time-"

"IT IS! I was with Chuuya yesterday. We were ambushed by the assassins from The Mortem Kingdom..."

At that new information, the king boomed in disappointment & anger.

"YOU WERE AMBUSHED AND DIDN'T CARE TO INFORM US? DIDN'T I WARN YOU TO BE CAREFUL?! Tch, that Nakahara child has always been such a troublemaker, I'll tell you that. Maybe if it weren't for him, none of this would have happened."

Furious, Kunikida yelled at his father. Something he had never once done before. Kunikida had always been a good kid, who follows his father's orders closely & does them well. But this time, he opposed of his father words. Surprising everyone present in the main room. The young male proceeded to leave the room, not turning back upon his parents' call. He had no intention to do so, as all he could think of at that moment was finding & saving his best friend.


Chuuya flinched at a sudden yet specific memory of being ambushed in the forests. He stood still. He felt his whole body go sore, every inch of his body starting to feel weak & bruised. His head throbbing at the memory that tried to force its way through.

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