My Petite Partner~; Part 1

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Ada! Chuuya

In which in an alternate universe, Dazai took Chuuya with him & they're still the strongest duo. Though, it soon became a trio to which Chuuya & Kunikida has just started to warm up to each other. Again, I apologize for they may be ooc :')


Kunikida's Pov

"You should drink more milk so you could get bigger!"

"Lay off about my size you damn mackerel! I'm still growing you bastard!"

"You're 22! You can't grow any taller you slug!"

"Why you-"

Sighing at my two partners' usual bickering, I pushed up my glasses. Closing my laptop, I stood up from my seat & made my way to the two kids. These idiots will be the death of me, I swear.

Eyes twitching, I slapped both of them at the back of their heads with brute force.

"Enough of your nuisance blabbering! You two are honestly insufferable. How do you guys handle each other?!"

"We don't-"

The two replied in unison. And these two are supposed to be the most feared duo of Yokohama? All I see are a bunch of whining toddlers.

"Right. And your bickering won't delay our next mission. The three of us WILL be completing this, TOGETHER, with no complaints. Understood?"

With a stern voice, I glared at the two. Dazai was visibly in distraught at the thought while Nakahara was seething red, glaring back at me. Now that I had a closer- not really because of our height difference; look at it, I never noticed how...beautiful his eyes look. Wait, what on earth? No, snap out of it Doppo. You've only recently got to know him. But it is a fact though, and not to mention that I am merely complimenting & appreciating another human's beauty.

"Kunikida-kun! Stop staring at Chuuya, would you? It's annoying."

I blinked. What?

"How is me, admiring another human's beauty, annoying to you?"

I questioned his nonsense thinking. Really, I still can't figure out what this man is thinking. That's a lot more annoying & he's one of my partners! I should be able to know & understand their motives & next move for a better connection.

Chuuya's Pov

Human. He thinks...I am, a human? Pft, what a joke. Of course I'm not. Not after what they did to me. I... I'm not, right? I do not deserve to be called one anyways. A monster such as myself, couldn't possibly. And yet, why do I feel this weird warmth when he called me a human?

Hmph, never thought I'd get this soft to a person I just recently met. Albeit it only has been a week after that stupid test I had to take before officially joining the ADA. It's so strange & ironic- how I basically swore loyalty to the mafia beforehand yet here I am, in the ADA building, as an official member of the team, the Port Mafia's rival. My life is pretty damn interesting huh? Literal chaos, like myself. Fun.

"Nakahara? You alright?"

Hearing the blondie's soothing voice, I snapped back into reality. How long was I zoned out for?

"Ah, yeah I'm good. Don't worry your pretty little brain about it, glasses."

I shrugged as I gave him a pat on the shoulder before making my way to the door.

"You guys coming or what? I'd rather get this done & over with so that I can finally escape from that waste of bandages for the day-"

"So mean, Chuuya. How could you!"

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