The reunion

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– ... which got me thinking I must've become THE MOST UNATTRACTIVE WOMAN IN THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD!!! – you said waving your hands in the air, raising your tone as you ended the sentence, which made the man sitting on the stool by your side chuckle. He always found your dramatic reactions very funny, but flinched a little seeing how low you were talking about yourself.

The said man was Trafalgar Law, your childhood best friend and high school boyfriend. He had moved back to your home town a while ago, after the passing of his beloved adoptive father.

You've known each other for about 20 years now.

***** FLASHBACK *****
You were taking your dog for a walk when a car parked across the street. A very tall blonde man in a black feathery coat came out, falling face first on the sidewalk. A raven haired boy with a fluffy hat came after him, helping the poor man to get back on his feet. You couldn't hold your laughter, earning a deadly glare from the boy, so you kept walking.

When you came back, both of them were coming to your door, and you were ready to be scolded for laughing at him.

– I'm Donquixote Rosinante and this is my son, Law. We're your new neighbors. Nice to meet you.

– I'm Y/N. And this is Chopper! Nice to meet you three! – you said introducing your dog, who was already sniffing the white fluff ball wiggling its tail by the grumpy boy's feet. – Sorry, he's just too friendly.

– His name is Bepo. – said the grumpy boy shyly.

– Well, Y/N, I actually came here to ask you a favor. Since you and Law seem to be close in age, I was thinking if you could accompany him to school tomorrow. – the blonde asked.

– Sure thing, sir!

– Call me Corazón. Well, we better get going. Say "goodbye" to your new friend, Law!

The boy waved and left with his father and the dog. You and Chopper entered your house.

From the next day on, you and Law walked to school together everyday. Sometimes he would have lunch or dinner with your family, since his father was constantly out of town. Being a high rank police detective, he spent long periods working undercover and traveled a lot.

Your mom even got the spare bedroom set for him and Bepo. She felt sorry for him being alone most of the time being only 10, just like you were. To be fair, he was younger than you by only a month: his birthday was on October 6th, and yours, September 4th. He would always make fun of you for being older.

You trespassed his grumpiness and quickly you both have become best friends. You've dated through your high school years, but things ended when Law got a scholarship to go to med school overseas. It was the opportunity of a lifetime and you didn't want to get in the way. It was sad, but you both ended in good terms, remaining friends until this day.

You would always hang out every time he came to visit and catch up on each other's lives.

***** END OF FLASHBACK *****

– Law, it's not funny!! – you playfully punched his shoulder, making him laugh even more.

– I know, I know. But you always make everything sound like a joke. Seriously now, is it really that bad, Y/N-ya? – he asked and you smiled realizing he still had that quirk of adding the "ya" at the end of people's names. You've always thought it was cute.

– It IS that bad! He couldn't even... you know... finish. I was there, ass in the air, but he... – you made a thumbs down sign to show what you meant. – I can't say it. It's too fucking embarrassing. Anyway, when I said things are going south, I wasn't kidding. It's been going on for a while now. We've talked about it, I've tried to spice things up. You know, I took initiative, did the stuff he liked, wore fancy lingerie... Sometimes he does bring his full game on, but most of the times it's just... meh!

You took a big gulp of your now empty pint of beer and sighed. Realizing you really needed to vent, Law just nodded for you to continue.

– Yesterday I got so... frustrated. We weren't tired, there wasn't anyone else around, we had his apartment for ourselves, since his brother was out of town. And yet he couldn't go on. I got dressed and brushed my teeth. He went to sleep, but I couldn't, so I went to the balcony drink my frustration away.

– So that's why you texted me at 4 am asking if you were "a boring old hag"? – he said playfully glaring at you with his grey eyes.

– Precisely! I felt like you were the only one I could openly talk about it. I... I couldn't help but think it was all my fault. I must've gotten ugly, boring or whatever. The fact is that I can't make him desire me anymore. And honestly, I'm getting tired. This morning he acted as if nothing happened. It really pissed me off! We've never had this kind of problem before. Everything was great. But it seems as the wedding and the moving day are getting closer, things are getting messy and awful. I don't know what else to do, Law. – you said blinking to avoid the tears from falling.

– I'm not the best at romantic advices, as I've been single since...

– The Green Harpy! – you both said in unison and laughed at the mention of Law's ex-girlfriend. He met her during his years in Berlin and she clung onto him as soon as she found out he was about to become head surgeon at the city's hospital even though he was only 27 at the time. But when Corazón fell ill and he decided to put these plans aside so he could visit more and be closer to his adoptive father, she put on a tantrum, raising hell during one of the most difficult times of his life. Being the practical person he is, he broke up with her.

– Yes! But what I meant is that I don't know how you can solve it, or what should you do. It's too complex. I have to think about it when I'm sober. But for now, I can be here for you as your best friend and drinking partner. Let's not think about it right now. You're awesome, beautiful and clearly in need of a stronger drink. Makino! Bring us some scotch!

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