Mimosas and sister time

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The conversation with Richie went as awkward as it could be. He clearly wasn't ready to address the situation and really hoped you both could just go through it without talking it out. But you always preferred the dialog. The thought made you question how you'd deal with the "Law issue". Would you tell Richie you had slept with someone else and this someone was Law, your first love and whom you still has feelings for?

You and Law had been texting each other as usual, making small talk about how's your day going, but haven't mentioned the scotch incident, except for some innuendos coming from both of you. He thought it would be better to give you some space to sort things out, even though he knew exactly what he wanted.

Richie has spent the night at your apartment and left early in the morning for work. You could sleep a little more, but instead, you decided to make brunch and arrange the spare room for Kiki. She'd be home soon.

Kiki ❤️✨
Just got an Uber from the bus station. I'll be there in 10. Hope you made my favorite for brunch xD

Brunch is ready and also is your room.
And some hot gossip. Please come home!

You smiled at you phone and proceeded to prepare the last thing of your little sister's favorite brunch menu: the mimosas. You heard another buzzing sound and rushed to see if it was Kiki.

Dr. Grumpy 🫀:
What you're doing?

Mimosas! 🥂

Dr. Grumpy 🫀:
Is Kiki coming home?

What gave it away? Lol
Yup! She's staying for a few days.

Dr. Grumpy 🫀:
No time for me then :(
I was hoping I could drag you to some property visits.

No worries!
Kiki has to do some work stuff and also she'll spend some time with our parents. I can still property hunt with you some other day :)

Dr. Grumpy 🫀:
Shall I buy some scotch?


Dr. Grumpy 🫀:
I'll take it as a no!
Let me know when you're free.
To property hunting, I mean.

Kiki's here! Ttyl ❤️

You opened the door and your sister immediately crushed you into a hug. She was younger, but taller than you and would always take advantage of it giving you bear hugs, lifting you from the ground and squeezing the air from your lungs. But you loved it.

— Kiki, put me down or no mimosas!!! — she took your menace almost seriously, releasing you from the hug, laughing her heart out.

— I missed you too, sis!

You helped her with the luggage, placing it into your spare room while she helped herself with scrambled eggs, avocado toasts and mimosas. You went back to the kitchen and she was eager for the hot gossip your promised.

— So... — she began with a mischievous grin while stuffing her mouth with food — the hot gossip! You had finally killed a coworker and need help with the body? You're pregnant? You won the lottery? You have a lover? Is it Law?— she tried to guess what you had to tell her, nailed it and she knew it by your facial expression. — IT IS LAW! OH. MY. GOD! HOW? WHEN? ARE YOU GUYS HAVING AN AFFAIR NOW? IS HE HOTTER THAN EVER? YOU'D LOOK SO GOOD TOGETHER ALL GLOOMY AND TATTOED AND MATURE!

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