Save it to the morning after 🍋

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The clock on your bedside table showed the time: 10:30 in the morning

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The clock on your bedside table showed the time: 10:30 in the morning. You woke up with a throbbing headache and sore muscles. When your eyes fluttered open, nothing of that seemed to matter as the sight in front of you made your heart melt. Law was sound asleep, lying on his stomach, facing you, one arm around your waist, his lower body covered by your black sheets. You caressed his raven locks and smiled to yourself as you recollected last night's events. How he could put your mind at ease just listening to you, how he held you as if you were to disappear if he let you go, how he kissed you showing the love and the affection no words were capable of, how he fucked you leaving no part of your body unattended.

You felt a pang in your heart when you realized you didn't feel like that in your current relationship anymore. Things has always been calm with you and Richie. He was loving and passionate. He knew about your past with Law, but didn't put much thought to it, since he was now one of your best friends and you had dated him a long time ago. He took care of you and stood by your side through your dark times, your family liked him. You've actually met him because of your sister.

He was her boss during her internship and she tought you'd be perfect for each other. She tried to get you two together countless times, until you've met at him a festival and you got together ever since. You could talk to him about anything. You were really happy with him, you loved him. Your past relationship with Law was great and you didn't have a bad word to say about it, but you were both teenagers. With Richie, it was the first time you had experienced a mature and healthy relationship.

You didn't know when all the joy and the desire you've had for each other started to fade away. You were about to get married in a few months. In your mind, you had imagined you would be all giggly, and all over each other, but lately it seems like everything has gone into autopilot mode, like something is missing. You miss feeling desired, feeling the sexiest woman alive to the man you're marrying. You never thought you'd be this distant from him, feeling so unwanted and uncapable to break the barriers you were now facing. Sex is always the same, it always seems like he's in a hurry, paying few to none attention to other parts of your body that aren't your pussy. In such a rush to get off that sometimes you have to finish the job yourself, alone in the bathroom, because you couldn't quite get there.

Still, you never thought you'd cheat on him. You've always bragged about how you trusted each other, how you'd never fought, how close you were, how you kept the romance and the lust alive. All of it felt so distant now, like fading memories. Did you really not love him anymore? Did he really not love you anymore? Was that really the end?

Tears rolled down your eyes and you felt as if somebody had ripped your heart out of your chest and squeezed it in their hands. What would you do now?

You had cheated on Richie. If only you did it with some random dude, you could just ghost him away and pretend as if it never had happened. But then it hit you: you wouldn't have done any of it if it was some random guy at the bar with you. It all only happened because it was Law there with you.

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