It has always been you 🍋

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— It has always been you

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— It has always been you. — you said right before closing the gap between you and Law, kissing him passionately.

You placed the coffee mug on his desk, so you could snake both arms around his neck. He mirrored your gesture, resting his mug along with yours, leaving both of his hands free to roam over your body.

He walked you back until the back of your thigh reached the edge of his bed, making you fall with Law hovering over you, his lips never leaving yours, the kiss getting more and more fervent. Eventually you both had to catch your breaths, staring intently into each other's eyes, taking in all the pent-up emotions on your gazes.

— You... You sure about this? — Law asked you between shaky breaths, caressing your face with the back of his hand, while the other rubbed your thigh.

— 100%! Now everything is clearer than ever. I have never stopped loving you and I don't think I ever will. — you answered.

Law let out a relieved sigh, a smile gracing his features as he heard the words he longed to hear through all those years you've been apart.

— I'm not letting you go again. Wherever I go, you're coming with me. I love you so fucking much. SO. FUCKING. MUCH. — he said stressing each word with kisses all over your face. — (Y/n)-ya, be mine again?

You nodded, your emotions overflowing, happy tears making your vision hazy, until you blinked them away.

— I have always been yours. – you finally said before kissing your beloved doctor again, with even more intensity, if it was possible.

His hand went up from your thigh to the hem of your shirt, pushing it up, feeling the soft skin on your stomach. He soon made quick work on taking off your top, admiring the view of you on your favorite lacy bra. You followed suit, stripping him off his hoodie along with his t-shirt. The sight of his tattooed chest heaving over you made you by bite your lower lip in anticipation.

— Enjoying the view? — he asked cockily?

— Don't I always? — you asked back in a teasing tone, running your fingernails over his toned body, making him shiver.

Law was now on his knees in bed, while you unbuckled his belt and undid the zipper of his jeans, yanking them down along with his boxers, letting his delicious cock spring free.

You licked your lips before swirling your tongue on his tip, earning the pleasure hisses you loved so much. Your (e/c) met Law's grey ones, full of love and lust. You took your time taking in every furrow of his brows, how his lips were slightly parted, his back arching while you pleasured him. You could live in this moment and enjoy this gorgeously erotic sight forever.

Taking a fistful of your hair, he started bucking his hips to speed up the pace, fucking your throat, that clenched around his girth, making him groan. You hollowed your cheeks, increasing the pressure and then you knew Law couldn't last much longer with the way he praised you and cursed under his heavy breaths, which made you try to get him even deeper on your throat.

— You want to milk me dry, huh? Will you swallow it all like a good girl? — He huffed looking at you through half lidded eyes. You looked up at him and nodded. The sight drove him crazy, making him thrust faster into your mouth.

— So damn pretty with those lips wrapped around my cock. FUUUUCK! — with the filthiest moan and his head thrown back, Law shooted his seed on your throat.

Panting, he plopped on his bed, watching intently as you wiped the last drop of his cum off your lips with your thumb.

— You're way too dressed to get your reward for being so good to me. — Law said in a deep, sultry voice.

You obliged and slowly stripped from the last pieces of clothing covering your body. First, your bra, then your jeans, and lastly, the lacy panties were tossed somewhere in Law's room.

— Better now? — you asked.

— Perfect. Now, take a seat, love. — he ordered and you quickly positioned yourself straddling his hips, but then, he stopped you. — Not there. Up here. I want to make you come all over my face.

You couldn't hold the soft moan that left your lips just at the mere thought of what was about to happen. You had Law's pretty face right under your greedy, wet pussy, his hands griping your thighs, both your breaths heavy with lust. His gaze never left yours as he bit your inner thighs, and slowly licked your lower lips, making you hum in pleasure.

He then latched his mouth around your clit, sucking it so deliciously you were already seeing stars, riding his tongue aggressively to increase the friction, your eyes squeezing shut and a string of moans and curses leaving your lips. You had one hand on the headboard of Law's bed and the other tugging his raven locks.

— Open your eyes, (y/n)-ya. — he said forcing your chin down, so you could look at him. — I want you to watch me as I make you come.

With that, he went back assaulting your clit with his tongue and lips, his slender fingers disappearing inside your hole, while he pumped them in an inhuman rhythm.

— Shit! Shit! Shit! I'm coming. I'm fucking coming. — you practically screamed while you kept on riding Law's face, his grip on your thigh getting stronger.

— There you go. Come to me, pretty girl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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