The same, but different

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Law wasn't lying when he said it was a short ride to the property you were about to visit

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Law wasn't lying when he said it was a short ride to the property you were about to visit. When you arrived, the real estate agent was already waiting. Law had already visited the place alone, but wanted to show you before he could go further with the deal.

— I'll be out there if you need anything, Mr. Trafalgar. — said the agent. Law thanked her, getting the keys and guiding you inside to give you a small tour.

— I think I'm going to seal the deal. It's pretty spacious, not far from home. The real estate agent told me they would take my offer to buy the place. This isn't an old building, so I wouldn't have much improvements to do, just some remodeling here and there. The waiting room would be here, and my office here. And do you remember my friends, Shachi and Penguin? They'll join me as my associates and I'm going to be able to offer laboratory services as well. I couldn't believe this place was available, I mean, it's just like I always wanted. Do you like it? What do you think?

You looked at him and couldn't feel anything but pride and admiration. Since you were younger, he would go on and on talking about his passion for the medical field, his dream of becoming a renowned surgeon and having his own practice. That's why when the opportunity came for him to study overseas you didn't think twice and encouraged him to go, even though it broke your heart. As he talked, you could see the same passion you saw back then and you were happy he would still share it with you, even this many years later, specially after the last few days.

As of reflex, you held his hand and pulled him into a loving hug, which caught him off guard. It took him a few seconds, but he responded it and you stood there, holding each other for a while.

— I think I'm very proud of you. You sounded like my teenage boyfriend who would ramble about medical stuff for hours and is now seeing his dreams coming true. I'm glad you still share your dreams with me after all these years. — you smiled softly at him, still not letting him go.

He tilted your chin upwards, so he could look you in the eyes.

— I wouldn't wanna share my dreams with anyone else, (Y/n)-ya. — he leaned closer and now Law's face was inches apart from yours, his hands cupping your face, lips barely brushing over yours, until the sound of someone clearing their throat snapped you both back to reality.

— Ehm, excuse me. I have to meet another client in a few minutes. Have you come to a decision yet, Mr. Trafalgar? — the real estate agent asked awkwardly.

— Uh, yes, yes I have. I'm buying it. Can I stop by the office tomorrow morning to sign the paperwork?

— Sure! Is 10 am a good time for you?

— Sounds perfect.

— Alright then. Congratulations on your purchase. This is an amazing property.

Law and her shook hands, she accompanied you both out of the property locking the door behind her and left.

You and Law walked silently to his motorcycle, he put the helmet on your head and you both went back to his place. All you could think of on the way was how you wish the agent had come back a little bit later so you wouldn't have to refrain yourself from kissing Law.

— Do you have to go back right now or do you have some time? — he asked?

— I had to go, actually... But I wouldn't mind postponing the delightful conversation I got to have with my parents. — you answered rubbing the back of your head, laughing half heartedly.

— Coffee? I want to show you the changes I've made on the house now that I officially live here. — Law invited and you nodded accepting and following him inside, towards the kitchen.

Things were different, but familiar somehow. Some new furniture mixed with some of Cora's old stuff Law kept around, grey and dark blue tones and the house looked more like Law's.

— This new look suits you. I like it. — you complimented taking in every detail while the smell of coffee invaded the house. You took the mug Law placed on the kitchen counter and took a sip while he did the same.

— Let me show you upstairs. Come on! — he said leaving the kitchen and you followed. The bedroom that once belonged to Rosinante was now Law's library and study. He kept his old room, only now it didn't looked anything like it did when you were younger.

— I guess it would be weird to take Cora-san's room. — he explained.

— Wow! I guess it's the first time I'm seeing the walls on your room. There used to be posters all over. Rock bands, Sora and all that stuff you liked. — you said noticing the changes he made.

The walls were clean, except for some framed pictures you recognized as landscapes from his trips around the world. There were a wardrobe, a small desk and a bed, bigger than you remembered. On the desk, a small photo frame caught your attention.

— Is it from...?

— Your sweet 16. Cora took this picture of us dancing right after I asked if you would be my girlfriend. — Law completed. You remembered as if it were yesterday.

— How come I've never seen it? — you asked.

— Cora-san took it without us noticing and framed it. He gave it to me years later. I had already left. That's how. — he said taking the frame from your hands, looking at it fondly and then placing it back on the desk.

— You know... Richie was right about one thing on our break-up. — you said making Law cock an eyebrow — It has always been you.

With that, you closed the space between you and Law, kissing him passionately, which he was quick to respond with the same intensity.

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