Truth bombs

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You spent the rest of the afternoon eating, drinking and talking to Kiki while watching cheesy romcoms

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You spent the rest of the afternoon eating, drinking and talking to Kiki while watching cheesy romcoms.

You texted Richie asking him to come over tomorrow so you could talk to him. On the day after, you would go visit a potential place for Law's practice and would talk to him afterwards.

— Gotta rip the fucking band-aids, right? — you said to Kiki after texting both Richie and Law to set everything up. You hid your cellphone on the drawer of your bedside table to avoid talking to them and focus on binge watching, eating and drinking with your sister until sleep caught you.

On the next morning, Kiki left early for a meeting.

— So, since you're supposed to get your shit together, I'll stay at at Mom and Dad's until tomorrow, okay? I'll come back as soon as you tell me everything is clear. Call me if you need anything. — she said hugging you before she left.

The day went by as a regular day off. You cleaned up the apartment, got some laundry done, cooked lunch and had a good afternoon nap, because why not? You woke up, showered and got ready to wait for Richie. As the time went by, you got more and more nervous.

Talking to Kiki, you've decided you wouldn't tell Richie about Law. You rehearsed the speech on your mind. You'd tell him that, as things have been off between you both, you thought you needed some time alone to figure things out, and would give him the space to think about his issues as well. It was partly true. You were only leaving the "I've-slept-with-my-high-school-boyfriend" part out of the equation.

It was nearly 7 pm when you heard the doorbell ringing. It was Richie. You opened the door and let him in, leading him to the couch. He hung his jacket on the hook behind your door and followed you.

— Do you want something to drink? — you asked nervously — I think I'll have some wine.

— I could go for some wine too. — he answered fidgeting with his car keys, sensing the tension in the air.

You poured two glasses of wine and joined him in the couch.

— You seem nervous. Is everything alright? — he noticed. You took a sip of your wine glass and started talking.

— Richie... I... I've been thinking about it for a while now. I think you feel it too. Things are not going well with us. I feel like we're...

— Out of sync. — he completed and sighed heavily — Yeah, I feel it too. I've been trying to ignore it in the hopes it would pass, to be honest.

You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding and proceeded.

— We tried talking about it several times, but it only made things awkward. It's not just the sex. It seems like we're always on autopilot and... I think I need some time alone. I have some things I would like to figure out on my own and I'm sure you have your issues too. I'm not... Calling off the wedding or anything. I just... Need some time.

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