It's always the scotch, isn't it?

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Some glasses later, you were talking about every nonsense subject that came to your minds

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Some glasses later, you were talking about every nonsense subject that came to your minds. Law really had managed to get your head from your bad situation with your fiancé. You were glad your drunken text to him lead to this reunion. You hadn't seen him since Corazón's funeral.

– Guys, we're closing soon. If you want something else from the bar or the kitchen, you should ask now. – Makino said politely approaching you both on the counter.

You and Law didn't feel like calling it a night yet. You had a few days off from your job as a TV screenwriter and Law was taking a break to sort things out after Corazón's death. He was now living at his childhood home and looking for a property to start his own practice. That being said, none of you had to be up early tomorrow.

– How about we go to my place? You haven't seen my new apartment yet. Besides, I think I still have that bottle of scotch you gave me. – you said nonchalantly.

– The one I brought you from Scotland? Still?? – he sounded surprised.

– I was saving for a special occasion! – you said as you paid for your drinks. – So, are you coming or what?

– Let's go! I'll call an Uber. What's the address? – he asked.

You typed your address on the app and in a few minutes, the driver was at Party's Bar to pick you both up. Your apartment was close, only a 10 minute drive from the pub, but you didn't feel like walking. The drive was quiet, but comfortable.

You got to the apartment and Law plopped into your couch as you rummaged your kitchen looking for the bottle.

– Here it is! I've only had a few. – you said pouring some scotch for you and Law. You went to the couch and joined him, kicking off your boots. You've toasted and sighed after the first sip.

– This is the good stuff! You know, I haven't had this scotch since that night we stole a bottle from Corazón's stash. When I bought it for you, I understood why he got so mad at me. It's really expensive! I had no idea back then.

****** FLASHBACK******

It was your prom night. Corazón was out of town. He had attended to the graduation ceremony and left almost immediately after for a work trip.

You knew it in advance, so you and Law had planned sneaking out of the party early and go to his place. Since you would be alone, it would be the perfect opportunity to have your first time.

You were both very nervous, so Law stole a bottle of scotch from his dad's collection. You still remember the burning sensation of the alcohol going down your throat, how it calmed your nerves and how good it felt finally going all the way with your boyfriend. Everything was perfect.

When Corazón came back, he noticed the bottle was missing. Law couldn't lie to him, so he admitted he stole the bottle to drink with you after the prom. He got the lecture of a lifetime.

****** END OF FLASHBACK ******

– Good thing I saved it for special occasions, then! Why did you buy it even after finding out how expensive it was? I would be glad with anything you brought me, honestly! – you were really curious. Law was very careful with his money and wasn't like him to buy overpriced stuff.

– I didn't even think about the price. You had asked me to bring you some scotch on my next visit, and as soon as I saw the bottle, I remembered it was the same one I stole for our prom night and I figured I had to give it to you. – Law stayed silent for a while and took a deep breath before he continued speaking. – I bought you this bottle because I hoped it would remind you of our first time too. I was planning to confess and ask you if we could try again when I visited that time. But then we met and you told me you were seeing someone and how happy you were with him, who is now your fiancé. So I just gave you the scotch and tried to ignore my feelings for you.

He was looking at the bottom of his empty glass right now. His tattooed fingers nervously tracing the edge of the glass. He promised himself he would never tell you this, but he had a lot to drink.

You were flabbergasted. Your (e/c) eyes glued on Law. You would be lying if you said you had never thought of getting back together with him. Even after the break up, you had remained good friends and always had a great time every time he was in town. But he had no routine, was always moving from one country to another working and studying. Your career was going great, but you didn't have this flexibility to keep moving around and you would never ask him to stay with you leaving his dream behind. Now he was there. He had just confessed. He wouldn't leave. But you were engaged to someone else and, damn it! You weren't even sure if you were still happy with him. Law's words had set free all the feelings you still had.

The room was silent.

As he did on your first night together, Law took a big gulp of scotch, directly from the bottle, and he kissed you. You were paralyzed at first, but quickly kissed him back, desperately.

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