Second First Time 🍋

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He pulled you into his lap and quickly the kiss became a heated make out session

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He pulled you into his lap and quickly the kiss became a heated make out session. Your mind was racing with billions of thoughts. How good it felt to be in his arms again, how he seems to still know your body by heart, how his lips were perfectly made for yours, how his now skilled and experienced hands touched all the right places to make you shiver, how you haven't felt this amount of pleasure just from making out in a long while. Then the guilt hit you followed by your insecurities.

The last time he saw you naked you were only a teenager. Now you were on your 30's, with scars, rolls, stretch marks and tattoos, some of them pretty questionable. Law, on the other hand, was as perfect as he has always been, aging like fine wine. He didn't seem to care about any of your insecurities, though. He held you as if he worshiped every inch of you. But it shouldn't matter. You shouldn't be doing this. You were engaged.

This thought alone put a halt to your movements, causing you to break the kiss.

— I'm sorry. I... I shouldn't have... I mean, it must've been the alcohol, right? I... You're... — he stuttered between heavy breaths, his stunning grey eyes on yours.

— Don't be. I also got carried away. — Your words said one thing, but your body said another. You didn't move away from him and neither did he, his hands resting on your hips, his stare shifted from your eyes to your lips.

You wouldn't be able to resist him. By now, your mind was hazy. From the alcohol, from his touch, from your neglected needs. You knew that if you decided to go further you would have to deal with many more complications. Law wasn't a random one night stand. You had a history and feelings involved. There was also your fiancé. You would have to deal with him eventually. Would you tell him you cheated? Would you break things up without saying anything about Law? What if Law doesn't want anything to do with you after tonight? What if he thinks you're awful because you're cheating? There would be a lot to think about, but right now it felt so simple just to surrender to your feverish desires. You were the one to break what looked like hours of silence and uncertainty.

— You know we'll have a lot to talk about tomorrow morning if we keep going, don't you? — you said leaving a trail of kisses from his jaw to his collarbone, rolling your hips over his, feeling the growing bulge on his jeans.

— You're the one who's tempting me now, (Y/N)-ya. — His nails slightly digging into your thighs, pressing your body closer, his hips grinding against yours, a smirk gracing his features as a small moan escaped your lips, his voice sounding even deeper than usual, trembling from his hitched breath. It was all too enticing to your horny self.

— Besides, you don't feel that worried to me. — he said sliding one of his hands under your (f/c) t-shirt dress, reaching for your soaking wet pussy, sliding your panties to the side and rubbing circles on your clit with his thumb, painfully slow.

— Hmmm, please don't tease me like this. — you moaned.

That was the last of your self control. Your hands hungrily unbuttoned his shirt and jeans, leaving him in his black boxers as he took off your dress, his lustful gaze never leaving yours.

— Remember our prom night? We were so horny that we couldn't make it to my bedroom and I fucked you on the living room floor. — he said almost whispering, his lips brushing against your ear, giving you goosebumps all over your body.

— I think it's only fair if we did the same on our second first time. — you answered. Your hips still moving, longing to feel more of him.

With that, you got up from his lap. His eyes tracing your figure under the dim light of your living room. You stood in front of him and stripped yourself from your bra and panties, getting fully exposed to Law. His hands reached his cock, pumping it in anticipation.

You laid down on the carpet. Your legs spread open, your arms above your head, as you watched him taking off the last piece of clothing covering his body. He joined you on the floor, hovering over your smaller frame, lining himself to your entrance.

Before you knew, he slammed himself inside of you, filling you up to your maximum, causing you both to moan. You wrapped your legs around his waist to give him a better angle and rolled your hips to show him you were ready.

He thrusted you mercilessly. His pace was fast and rough, just how you remembered him. Just how you liked it. He lifted both your legs over his shoulders, biting your ankles as he went even deeper inside of you. It was almost impossible to fight the urge to scream his name at the top of your lungs. The pleasure was just too much.

— Fuck, (y/n), you feel even better now! — he grunted as he buried his cock inside of you while kneading your breast with his slender and skillful fingers. His hand then went from your breast to your neck, slightly choking you.

— Aren't you kinky, doctor? — you said rolling your hips to match his pace, making him grunt in pleasure.

— Ride me, Y/N-ya. — he ordered and you obliged. He sat on the floor, his back against the couch. He looked anxiously as you straddled his hips, lining your dripping cunt to his dick. When you lowered yourself onto him without any warning, his head rolled back, his eyes squeezed shut as his grip on your hips got tighter.

You moved up and down his massive cock, slowly at first, but picking up the pace as the knot on your stomach felt tighter. The grunts and moans that escaped Law's lips were music to your ears and made you want to pleasure him even more, riding him with everything you had.

— You always knew how to make me cum. — he said bucking his hips to increase the friction and gripping a fistful of your hair as his climax was getting closer.

— Then cum with me, doctor. Fuck, Law, I'm so close! — you rode him faster, as his fingers teased your clit, the tsunami of pleasure taking you over, uncontrollably moaning his name as you came. He reached his limit shortly after.

He kissed you softly, brushing sweaty strands of hair from off your face. You did the same for him, as you helped him getting up and guided him to the bathroom to clean up.

He looked at you so lovingly, watching your every move as you turned the shower on, letting the warm water fall over you both, as you washed each other's bodies carefully. It was almost as if the sex beast you witnessed had left and his romantic side had taken over. He had always been like that, even when you were younger: thoughtful and caring, but totally unhinged in bed. You loved it. You loved him.

You both went to your bedroom afterwards. You knew you had to talk about what had just happened, but neither of you had the energy to do that, so you stayed comfortably silent in his arms as you both drifted off, as you did so many times in the past.

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