Emotional hangover

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You woke up the next day completely defeated

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You woke up the next day completely defeated. Not so much because of the wine, but, mostly because all of the events from last night.

You thought you conversation with Richie went well, until drunk Law showed up. Why did he had so much to drink? Why did he had to come over? But then, again: it wasn't his fault. You were the one who cheated and tried to hide the information. Law showed up at the wrong place at the wrong time.

You finally gathered some courage to check on your phone. There were messages from Kiki, Law and Richie. Kiki was worried when she didn't hear from you and even more when you didn't pick up the phone. Law sent a few texts apologizing again and by the number of typos on them, he was drunk. Then he texted again this morning asking if you were still up for the visit. And lastly, Richie let you know he left a box with your belongings at your apartment complex lobby and asked you to do the same with his stuff you had at home. "This is really it", you thought.

The first thing you did was calling Kiki.

— OH MY GOD, (Y/N). I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! — she scolded you as she picked up the phone.

— I'm sorry, Kiki. I had an... unexpected turn of events. But I guess I would prefer to talk to you over lunch. Mexican?

— Okay, okay. Think you can be there in an hour?

— Yup. See you there!

When you hung up, you texted Law.

Sorry, I fell asleep.
But, yes, I'm still up for the visit.
Where do we meet? I'm going out for lunch with Kiki and I'll meet you afterwards. Sounds good?
How are you feeling?

Dr. Grumpy 🫀
I figured, sleepyhead.
Meet me at 4pm, my place. It's a short ride from here.
And, well, emotional hangover aside, I'm ok. Sort of.

A short RIDE???
Are we going with your motorcycle?

Dr. Grumpy 🫀
Yes, why? Are you scared, (Y/n)-ya?

Shut up! 😜
Gtg. I don't want to be late for lunch.
See you later, doc!

You showered, got dressed, packed up Richie's stuff and went to meet Kiki. You left the box at the lobby of the building where he worked, which was a walking distance from both your place and the Mexican restaurant. Kiki got there first and saved you your favorite table.

— So you're telling me that things went well until they didn't and drunk Law sold you off? Girl, the drama is strong with this one. — she said.

— Yeah, this pretty much sums up the whole thing. Richie and I are officially over. I left his stuff at his work on my way here and he sent my things home. And I'm ringless now. — you showed Kiki your now empty ring finger, where a beautiful blue diamond ring used to be. — If I said I'm not sad, I'd be lying. And I still have to tell Mom and Dad about it. Uuuuuugh.

— They will surely be shocked. When are you planning to do it?

— Well, I'm meeting Law at his place later. For the property hunt. He's visiting some place nearby, well, at least he said it was a short ride. Anyways, I plan on going with him to the visit and when I'm back, I'll stop by Mom and Dad's and spill the beans.

— So Law is taking you to this visit on his motorcycle? Will you hold him close because you're oh-so-scared? — she said wiggling her brows, faking a dramatic voice.

— Yes, we're going on his motorcycle. But you're not helping meeeee! — you whine — I still have to talk to him. I mean, things changed, since now I'm single, but I don't know if he really meant all the things he told me when he was drunk and more important: even if he meant every word, I don't know if I'm ready to give us another try. I mean, I've been single for... 13 hours. It's too soon. But, at the same time, it's Law we're talking about. I've known him for my whole life, basically.

— I have a feeling I know exactly how things will go. No matter what I say, no matter what you tell yourself, you know what you want to do and you know how you feel. Just... Try not to hurt yourself or Law. He isn't just some random guy you're trying to bang and you know that. And don't judge yourself this much.

— I guess you're right. — you sighed — Yesterday I was decided to use this conversation to ask Law some time away from him, so I could focus on my relationship, but there is no relationship to focus on anymore. Let's see how it goes. I don't even know if he wants to be with me after last night.

— (Y/n), go to the visit and talk to him. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Take one step at a time. Dessert?

You and your sister shared your favorite dessert and called an Uber. Kiki was going to your parents' and you were going to Law's, just across the street as it has always been. When the car was almost stopping at your childhood home, Kiki elbowed you clearing her throat.

Law was already waiting for you by his yellow motorcycle, helmet in hand.

— I see why you can't get over him! Go get some!

— KIKI! — you whisper shouted — Tell mom and dad I'm stopping by later, ok?

You got off the car and crossed the street to meet Law.

— Ready? — he asked handing you the helmet.

— Will it make any difference if I say I'm not? — you laughed nervously, for Law's amusement.

— Hop on and hold onto me. I promise I'll be gentle. — he said winking before starting the motorcycle and both of you left for the visit.

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