Chapter 17 ~ Lloyd POV

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It was weird not being with the guys. I had kinda made my own camp after Chen cost my father his life. All I knew was they were heading back to Ninjago. I haven't been there in ages. But for now, I had started to rebuild the Monastery. I knew the team missed it so much, so I decided to rebuild it. I remember Kai and Jay telling me stories about the place. Sounded pretty cool to me!

"Finally!" I yelled. Yes, I know it's weird I talk to myself. I had a lot of time as a kid to do nothing, so this is how I entertain myself. Anyway, I had just built a centrepiece to the training equipment. To what Cole described, I think it was pretty on point. It was a log, painted red, it had flags coming and maces coming out of the sides, and a golden dragon on top. It looked pretty cool to me.

"I hope I finish this soon." I sighed. It had took me about half a month to do a 5th of the training equipment. Suddenly, I heard a roar.

"I know that roar from anywhere!" I spun around, and sure enough, the Ultra dragon was flying circles in the air.

"Hey big guy!" I smiled as the dragon landed. That was when I noticed the four ninja sitting on his neck.

"Hey you guys!" I brushed my blonde hair out of my face and ran to meet them.

"Hi Lloyd!" Kai jumped off. That was when it hit me.

"Where's Jay?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Heh heh, funny story..." Cole groaned.

"Jayhasbeenhypnotisedandweneedyourhelptofindanoldmanthatlivesonthismountainthingy" (Translation: Jay has been hypnotised and we need your help to find an old man that lives on this mountain thingy) Skylor murmured in one big mush of words.
"Wait, what?!" I stuttered. There was an awkward silence where everyone let the information sink in.
"Where is this old man." I frowned.
"I told you, a mountain." Skylor rolled her eyes. "Now come on, everyone is slowly ageing here."
"Urgh." I sighed. But there was only one thing for it. "Take me to Mum. And quickly."
Sorry, I needed to post something, and quickly. So here you go.
I don't know what to put in this section thingy. How about a QOTD?
QOTD ~ Your favourite Ninja?
AOTD ~ Jay 💙

Hypnotic Ninjas (Ninjago FanFic) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now