Ambar Thunderstrike

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Astrid: quit your lessons

Ambar: ...wha-

Astrid: join my polycule

Astrid: join my polycule

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Full name: Ambarlynn Thunderstrike

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Full name: Ambarlynn Thunderstrike

Nicknames: -

Age: 13

Gender: female

Pronouns: she/her

Species: sorceress (cursed)

Family: Arthur Thunderstrike (father), Elowynn Springspell (mother), Charlie (older half-sibling), Alister (younger twin brother), Amari (younger sister)

Personality: graceful, unconcerned, confident, clever, relaxed, reasonable, bold

Orientation: pansexual

Marital status: single

Birthday: June 12 ♊️

Occupation: student in kaxnora academy, Erick's student

Height: 5”5

Build: thin

Likes: playing the piano, inventing, engineering, reading, classical music

Dislikes: watermelon, pranks, jokes, feeling unwanted

Alignment: chaotic neutral


Astrid (childhood friend, ex-girlfriend)

Circe (childhood best friend)

Bob (best friend)

Erick (mentor)

Kevyn (rival, arch-nemesis)

Marigold (rival)

Diana (rival)

Dalphon (close friend)

Stella (close friend)

Ryker (crush)

Stark (dislike)


- electricity magic

- demonic conduit

- conjuration

- invocation

- electricity attacks

- electric zap

- lightning bolt projection

- magical telekinesis

- magical shield construction

- magic invisibility


Tw for emotional abuse, mentions of physical abuse and suicide attempt

Ambar knew at a very young age that she was unwanted, her mother always reminded her that she was a mistake and she wished she died, her father contributed his part too hitting her and her siblings for the smallest things and still expecting them to respect him (despite Ambar being an asshole, she has a good relationship with her siblings), it worsened when they found out Ambar's magic was connected to demons

Ambar was a really confident kid unlike Astrid, they friended each other on kindergarten, or rather, Ambar friended her (extrovert adopting introvert situation), she was also best friends with Circe AKA Astrid's cousin and the three of them were a group of besties

Ambar became Erick's student when she was young, Ambar wanted to be powerful like him or at least be pretty skilled in magic

As time passed, Ambar's mental health decayed a lot, her parents (and other factors but mostly her) being responsible for it

She dated Azzy when they were both 12ish, Ambar always felt guilty because of Astrid showing her how much she loves her, not believing that someone unwanted as her could be wanted, heck let alone by Astrid! (who is considered a really important person being Obsidian's daughter and stuff), her problems (+ Astrid's) is what made their relationship go south (you could say that Ambar showed Astrid what self-love is, and Astrid showed Ambar what unconditional love is)

Ambar was just tired, and she didn't want to continue this anymore, she decided to curse herself to die, however it backfired because Ambar didn't die, her curse was this: everything she used her magic it worsened and it also weakened her, if she uses her magic a lot she will die, lightning strikes appear on her body the more she uses her magic, the curse also made her and her magic take a red color (she used to be green colored (...I love color symbolism))

She found Bob in a trash can walking around, Bob was a powerful and dangerous god of destruction that was punished into turning into a scarf, Ambar was like “cool new scarf lol” (yes, the asshole knew Bob was sentient) and took him into her house while Bob tried to fight back, they had a rocky relationship at the start, but time passed and they are now besties

Ambar is Kevyn's arch-nemesis, they are always bickering and fighting each other, their relationship worsening with the fact that their mentors hate each other too

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