26. Kaiden

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Her underwear

He took her underwear?! 

Fucking seriously?! 

I wore them yesterday...

I taste blood on my lip. The red light stops me in my tracks and I consider running it. Hell, I've got the sports car to make it. But I also have a business, and a semi reputable reputation, and a mother who depends on me not being in jail. So I don't. 

But I would. For this, for her. 

Her underwear. 

Slimy, cock sucking, dirty little weasel. Who else but Tony Mierro would be so unhinged? Who else but that low life, pathetic wanna-be would even dare? 

If I weren't so hell bent on seeing it for myself, I'd be going straight to his shitty apartment to gauge how much he truly thinks he knows. Even then, if he knows as much as he thinks he does, why isn't Damien all over my back? Cunt

I have a lot of choice words for the Mierro's, everyday, all day, all the time. But now... 

Fucking hell, I'm pissed. 

So pissed that I feel nauseous. Seriously on the verge of dry heaving. 

The worst part is that I can hear Nora's voice in my ear, telling my that I'm not this hot-headed, that I preach taking time to think things through and cool down. But I can't take any time. Not with this. I want to explode; I want all of the debris to ruin Tony's life. I want to be irrational and break things and scream down the Mierro mansion like I'm the big, bag wolf in that bedtime story I always hated. 

Chelsea is stood on her doorstep when I arrive, biting one of her nails. 

She rushes over to the car as I pull onto her empty drive. 

"You brought the fancy car?" Her frantic whisper is hushed.

"That's what you're focusing on?" 

Even I can tell that my voice sounds grated. I try to swallow it down with a grimace plastered to my face, but I can't clear my head of Tony having the fucking audacity-

"Breathe," she whispers. 

I release the breath I'm holding. It doesn't help. 

Muttering something about a knight in shining armor, she takes my wrist and leads me up to the front door. I barely remember to lock my car. I can barely remember my own name. 

"Mum, my friend is here!" 

"Okay, sweetheart!" 

She starts pushing me up the stairs before I can offer to take off my shoes. The house smells faintly like baked goods; something sweet and sugary. It dawns on me that Chelsea usually smells like that, too. 


She shushes me. 

A lick of fire runs through my body, but it's them I'm mad at, not her. 

She gives me a wide eyed look as she opens a door and then shoves me inside, trying to close the door behind us as quietly as possible. I look at her open underwear drawer, look at the worn clothes on the floor in the corner, and let my fist curl at my side. I squeeze hard enough that all I feel is that, instead. 

Then, I begin to pace. 

Weasel. Cretin. Dead. So fucking...

"Kaiden," she whispers, cringing. I still pace. "Kade, my mum-" 

Her hand loops into mine and squeezes. Like a bolt travels through me, I stop and look down at her. Small, pretty, with a lovely, curvy body that he fucking violated-

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