22. Chelsea

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This is what I needed. 

Fresh air. The outdoors. My friends. 

Noah grabs Maddie by the hips and pulls her into his chest, both of them giggling at Matt, Maddie's brother, who scrunches his nose up at the two of them. 

A twinge of sadness makes my heart ache. I want that, too. The soft touches, the giggling, the inability to look at anybody else whilst that one person is next to you. Maddie deserves Noah, truly, but sometimes I wish we were both still single together. 

"Hey, do I really have to wear these?" Matt calls over to me. 

I dig my spade into the fresh overturned Earth and lean against it, cocking my hip. 

"Yes, Matt! Unless you want those itchy red nettle stings all over your hands." 

He grumbles about being stronger than nettles, but leaves on his girly flower pattern gloves that are definitely three sizes too small for his hands. 

Matthew Grayson probably needs this outdoor time more than I do. He's all work, all play, all the time. I'm surprised he hasn't dropped with exhaustion yet. I briefly thought he was cute when I first met him, and then I realised that he was currently sleeping with half of the English population. Total womaniser. 

Noah being his best friend makes absolutely no sense. 

"Stop slacking!" Matt shouts, pulling a weed from the floor. 

I'm not sure whether it's for me or Noah and Maddie, but the three of us share crooked smiles before getting back to work. 

The allotment I got a few weeks ago looks a little neglected. I've not been able to dedicate the time I wanted to it, what with Cecilia being in town and my weekends being dedicated to... well. Those people who I am refusing to think about today. 

Speaking of, my phone rings. Again. 

"Are you ignoring this one too?" Maddie calls. 

I pick up my spade and shove it into the dirt. 

The three of them laugh. 

It's Kaiden. He's called me a few times today, sent a few texts too, all telling me to stop being a baby and call him back. It's the principle of the matter. This is Saturday, and last night he was rude, so I'm ignoring him. At least until tomorrow. Or tonight. 

Or... at least while I'm with my friends. 

The calling stops. I dig my spade into the earth. 

And then it starts again. 

"Who did you say was calling you?" Matt asks. 

"Cecilia," I lie. "I can't hear one more thing about the wedding today. I need a break from it." 

That part is true. The wedding talk every night is becoming too much. As much as I love my mother and Cecilia, there are only so many times I can talk about the centre pieces or the flower arrangements. Especially because every time it's brought up, my mother now tries to offer me a blind date. 

You'll need to dance with someone, Chelsea. 

Do you want to be sat alone the entire evening? 

You can't try and catch the bouquet if you don't have at least one potential husband in mind.


They act like I'm already a spinster, just withering away on my lonesome. Although, it has been a while since I dated now.

When was my last date? That failed dinner with Tony Mierro? 

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