37. Chelsea

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"Where are we going?" I ask Vik. "This isn't... This isn't the way to the house?" 

To my surprise, he doesn't say anything. He turns a corner instead so we continue to drive further into the city rather than on the outskirts of it. We should've been at the Mierro house ten minutes ago, but I can tell we're nowhere near it. 

Vik's been nice these past few months. We've actually talked to one another, and yet here we are again, back to square one. Ignorance. Lovely

"Seriously?" I question, throwing myself against the back seat dramatically. "Don't be such a dick. It's not like I'm going to hop out of the car in defiance, is it?" 

His lip twitches. 

"Oh, I'm funny?" I ask, voice mocking. "Funny girl Chelsea, kidnapped again. Hope they use a good picture of me in the papers." 

Vik's demeanor doesn't crack. 

I huff. 

"Agh! Vik, fucking hell! Are we going into the city?" We turn a corner and I instantly recognise the street. "You're not serious. We're going to Fiction? Can I at least invite Maddie and Noah?" 


First word of the drive. Score. 

He pulls up outside the club and takes the keys out of the ignition, stepping out. There's a queue outside of the club tonight - as if it's actually a good place to get drunk and dance. I would rather be in a thousand difference places right now. 

My eyes roll as I look down at my outfit. Loose cotton trousers, black, an even looser, oversized t-shirt with one of my favourite bands on it, combat boots, and a cardigan that comes down to my thighs. My hair is tied up with a pencil. I'm not even wearing make-up, and I'm expected to just - what? Blend right in with these girls in their going out-out clothes? Kill me now. 

My phone vibrates in my pocket. 

               Kaiden: Party tonight? 

After our date a few days ago, we seemed to just word vomit our entire lives to each other. Eventually, we got onto the subject of Damien, as always. I told him about every Friday, about the cocaine I've seen and young boys and the bipolar emotions I can never get a grasp on. 

He told me he'd be waiting down the street from the Mierro house this Friday, as is our new tradition. I can't believe I forgot. 

               Chelsea: I'm outside of Fiction and I have absolutely no patience for his BS today. 

               Kaiden: Then continue to be a bad bitch. 

               Kaiden: Heading to Fiction now. I'll be there in 15. 

I shove my phone in the pocket as I see Vik walking towards my door. He swings it open and tilts his head towards the entrance, the bouncer eyeing me warily. 

I glare at them both in turn as I get out. 

Vik leads me past the bouncer, handing him the Range Rover keys, and into the darkness of the club. 

"I'm getting really tired of Damien's games, Viktor." 

"Don't bother him tonight," Vik warns lowly. "That bruise is fading now but I'm sure he won't hesitate to give you a new one." 

I speak without thinking. 

"Don't bother him," I mock, putting on a terrible Bulgarian accent. 

Vik grabs my arm, his eyes darkening. 

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