38. Kaiden

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Her eyes widen comically. 

It would be comical, if I weren't holding her body against the door, pressing my hard-on in between her legs. 

If it were anyone but Damien, it might even be funny. 

Damien's words are muffled, but it's undeniably his voice through that door. 

"Shit," she whispers, frantically looking around this shit-hole of an office. I pull her from the door and try to walk on flat papers over to the desk, holding her hand as I pull her along. Something crunches under my foot. "Fuck, Kade. He's-" 

"Shhh," I try for soothing, but it's hard to do whilst climbing over a desk filled with fucking paper. Half of it falls onto the floor, every bit of it crinkles. 

The door handles jiggles. 

Chelsea pales, squeezes my hand. 

"Duck," she says, like I'll just leave her standing there and bend down behind this desk without her. I shake my head and reach for her. 

The door is locked, but keys are jangling now. 

Damien's voice is louder. I wonder if he can hear us moving around in here. 


I grab her leg as she tries to hop onto the desk, reaching out for her hips. She jumps towards me, more papers falling, more panicked breaths coming from her mouth. She grips onto me vice like as I pull her across and begin grabbing papers from the floor, shoving them back onto the desk, spreading them out so it looks any bit like the way he left it. 

Maybe it's organised chaos, and he'll know the second he walks in here that it's changed. Hopefully, he actually is just that disorganised and he won't be able to tell the difference. 

"Kade," Chelsea hisses, grabbing my arms, stopping me from trying to re-fill the space. She pulls me down and shoves me under the desk, crawling between my legs.

I pull the desk chair in, take a breath, and the door opens. 

Chelsea is still hovering over me, my legs are bent in a way that legs should not be bending, and both of us immediately stop moving. We stop breathing. 

"Damien," a voice - one of the twins - says. "This was locked. She's not in here." 

She squeezes her eyes closed. 

I slowly release my breath between their words. 

"The warden at the prison texted me. He's been trying to call you." 

"I'm not taking Tony's calls," Damien spits. "Find her." 

"It sounds urgent." 

Does it? Chelsea mentioned in passing that Viktor Varga seemed to have a small soft spot for her. He didn't stop Damien hitting her though, did he? He just stood by for that. 

Still, maybe this is his attempt to let Damien cool off. 

Speak to his brother, calm down. Tony's an absolute fucking sociopath though; I don't think he could calm anyone down. 

A phone rings. 

"For fuck-" 

Something hits the desk. 

"Leave," Damien orders. 

Chelsea's hands are shaking. She's still holding herself up, trying not to move a muscle. Her eyes haven't opened this entire time. I gently try and relieve the pressure, shifting to take more of her weight under the guise of Damien's ringtone. 

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