39. Chelsea

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I don't remember sex being this good. 

I want to say 'wow' one more time. Honestly? I want to say it a lot of times, because wow. 

A very small part of me wanted this just to say a big metaphorical 'fuck you' to Damien, because ha! I'm doing it in his office - whilst he's looking for me. Another part of me (thankfully the bigger part) just could resist. 

"You're...very..." Perfect. Good at this. Hot. 

All of the above. 

No wonder I couldn't resist. People like me do not get people like Kaiden. He's gorgeous and fit and rich. (He's also stand-offish and argumentative and mouthy, but believe it or not, those are my favourite things about him. The jawline is a huge bonus though.) 

My words seem to spur him on. 

He presses my hand up above us, squeezing my fingers and whispering things I can barely hear over the feeling of how good he feels, how perfect he fits inside me, how-

His hips roll. As do my eyes, into the back of my head. 

"You look fucking edible right now." 

And he says things like that. 

I have to speak through moans, throat pants, through my eyes wanting to fall out of the actual sockets because Jesus Holy Fucking Christ. 

"Did I hallucinate you?" I moan again as his tongue draws across my neck, and he latches on. "Or are you just someone's way of saying sorry for how bad my life has been so far?" 

Kaiden smiles against my neck, pausing so, so deep inside me that I can barely think straight. 

Mmmm. Very big. Very nice. 

"Is it all bad?"  he asks, voice in a deep, rumbling tone. Scratchy, earthy - again, hot. Everything about him: hot. 

"There are..." Who invented this man? "...Certain silver linings." 

A grin. 

"I bet there are, princess." 

I'd call him out of it if he didn't immediately pull halfway out of me and put his hand on my mouth. I'm about to shout at him, maybe even cover my nipples so he can't keep glancing at them (yes, I see it, he isn't very subtle) but then I hear them. 

The voices just outside of the room. 

At least two men, one woman. Someone raises their voice.  

(Someone? I think to myself. Definitely Damien. Who else would shout back there in the storage room? Who else just found out that their brother died?)

"Uh-" Kade's hand presses down on my lips. 

I bring it away and glare at him. "You know what might help me be quiet?" I ask, looking down at where we're joined together, where he's still pushing slowly back into me. He groans quietly when he bottoms out. "Christ." 

"What?" he whispers, gravelly. 

"Not fucking me," I moan. 

"You want me to stop?" 

He knows that I do not want that. 

I shake my head before I've even thought about it. 

He fails at hiding his smug attitude as he slowly lowers himself back down, hovering centimeters from my own body. I put my leg around him and pull him so down we're flush, even know he's scorching hot and I'm not far from it either, but I want to feeling nothing but his body against mine, our skin melting together. 

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