44. Chelsea

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I step out of the bathroom is my big sleep tee and walk over to my own bedroom, peering around the door like I'm checking for serial killers.

Kaiden doesn't even look over at me but his mouth still quirks at the sides. He's lying on my bed in just his underwear (good lord, sparkling fuck, ohmygodholyhell-) and he's typing something on his phone, about as relaxed as he looks in his own house.

Some giggles across the hallway, and I turn to see two of Cecelia's friends reach the top of the stairs, chatting with one another, so I slip into the room and shut the door behind me as quietly as possible.

"They're still here?" Kaiden asks. He must've heard them too.

"Wedding plan is important, Kaiden. Wedding planning should take over your entire life, don't you know?"

"Should it?" He smiles, finally looking up properly. I doubt there's anything even on his phone screen right now - he just loves to feel like he's winning something. Well, surprise surprise, so do I, so I look away from him quickly. He laughs. "Should it go on into the night as well?"

I tut, trying to mimic the slight differences of Cee's accent. "Only if you want a nice wedding."

His eyes snap up to my face as I look back over to him, and my skin starts to heat up at the thought of him looking at the t-shirt that rests against my thighs, at my bare legs that I just managed to shave whilst my mum shouted that I should hurry up and stop hogging the bathroom.

Which reminds me, I should absolutely move out. Because, wow, humiliating.

"Were you looking at me?" I ask.

"No," he leans back into my pillows. "I would never."

My eyes narrow.

Mum must really, really like Kaiden. Even when I was in high school, she kept an open door policy. Again, not that I'm super experienced in the boyfriend department, and hell, I am twenty-three years old, but still - Kaiden staying here overnight seems like a big step for her.

I'm surprised she's managed to keep her mouth shut about marriage so far. Hopefully Cecilia is keeping her busy on that front.

Mum has always been obsessed with the one. My father was her one, and she believes that every person should find and keep theirs as best they can, and as young as they can get them. It's probably why she spun out of control when he died; she'd put her whole life into her relationship with dad. She didn't know who she was without him.

It's a scary thought, really, to love someone that much.

"Are you sleeping on the floor, then?" Kaiden asks.

I huff and switch off the light, holding up my phone to make my way over to my single-person-sized bed. Kaiden's...big. Tall and limb-y. It's going to be a squeeze (really, it's going to be difficult to keep my hands to myself).

"Your mum seems to like me."

"Yeah, I don't really know how that's possible," I whisper. "What gave it away; her sending you up to bed with me, or the seven cakes she forced down your throat?"

"Nah, none of that. Just a feeling."

Still so goddamn arrogant.

I hold my breath as I get into bed beside him, hoping it doesn't dip too much underneath my weight. Immediately, our sides are touching. I click the lock button on my phone and cast us both into darkness.

Strangely, I think of Damien.

Of his silence, of him slapping me.

Not because Kade is like him in any way, but just because it almost feels...over. No more money in my bank account, no more scary texts. Maybe he really does respect Noah enough that he'll leave me alone now that Noah has admitted he'll be keeping an eye on me.

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