40. Chelsea

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               Damien: Where are you? [9:49pm]

               Damien: You better still be in this club, Stockholm. [10:08pm]

               Damien: Wehre the fuck are you?? [10:16pm]

               Damien: If you don't fucking answer me [10:17pm]

               Damien: CHELSEA [10:20pm]

               Damien: If you ever speak to me like that again, I'll kill you. [10:26pm]

               Damien: I don't chase. You'll be turning up at the house tomorrow to apologise. Vik will pick you up at 11. I don't think I need to tell you what happens if you don't show up. [10:34pm]

               Damien: Please tell me where you are [11:41pm]

               Damien: I'm not angry with you [11:41pm]

               Damien: TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE [11:57pm]

               Damien: Why aren't you at home? [01:39am] 

               Damien: I'm going to kill you [01:42am]

               Damien: I'll seriously fucking kill you [01:43am]

               Damien: Where are you right now [01:43am]

               Damien: Who's your friend? [04:07am]

I wake up in a bed three times the size of my own, alone. 

The sheets are soft and plain and smell faintly like Kaiden. As I lift my head from the pillow and look around, I wonder if he moved me to a guest room after I fell asleep last night. But then I remember how bad at decorating he is. 

His bedroom is just this. Empty. Neat. White. 

The faint music downstairs lets me know that he hasn't made a run from it - from me - because of last night. He's just waiting for me to wake up, and then we'll... what? Kiss again? Be a couple? I've truly got no idea.

But I do have vivid imagery of everything that happen last night. Of Kaiden pinning me to the floor, of his dark and dilated eyes when he looked down at me, of him perfectly inside me. A shiver runs through my body. 

My phone is on the bedside table so I reach for it to text him demanding that he come back upstairs and give me one of those second times we talked about, but when I click on my home screen... 

I have fifty eight missed calls. 

Twenty three texts messages.

Six voicemails.

And all of my social media accounts have been hacked.

My phone begins ringing in my hand as if it senses that I've picked it up, but instead of seeing Damien flashing across my screen as I expect, surprisingly Noah's name is there. Maddie's boyfriend. 

What if Damien hurt Maddie?

"Hello?" I answer quickly. "Noah?"

"Fuck," I hear him whisper. "Jesus, Chelsea, did you get involved with Damien Mierro?" 

Sometimes I forget that Noah used to be under Damien's thumb, too, back when he was a teenager and didn't seem to have much else to do with himself. It's strange hearing him say Damien's name so familiarly. 

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