47. Kaiden

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This is probably a terrible idea. 

Doesn't mean I'm not going to do it, though. 

Noah turns his headlights off before we turn into Damien's very long driveway, his black car blending into the night seamlessly. 

His phone will not stop going off. 

"Maddie is pissed at me," he explains, as if it isn't obvious. 

She almost bit his head off when he told her he wouldn't go and get Chelsea unless she got out of his car and got her brother to pick her up. Her brother, Matt, doesn't know Damien's address, so Noah circled a few different blocks just to ensure they wouldn't do anything stupid and follow us. 

Madelaine hasn't stopped calling him since. 

"She'll get over it," I say. "It's for the best." 

"Oh, I know," he murmurs. "Damien's a nasty piece of work. He's already seen too much of her." 

Tell me about it. 

Damien won't let Chelsea out of his goddamn grasp. He's holding on and on, even after Tony's death. Surely he has more to worry about than the girl who witnessed his brother try to kill a man - a man who's now recovering, no less - and yet here we are. 

Noah rolls the car forward quietly, pulling to a stop between two range rovers parked outside of the house, leaving barely enough room for both of us to get out. From what I gather, this car is his baby, so I can understand wanting to keep it hidden. 

"If you scratch my doors, I will genuinely fuck you up," he tells me, quietly. 

Yeah, definitely his baby. 

"Noted," I snort. 

My smile quickly drops though, because neither of us really know what the fuck we're doing right now. We've just assumed that Chelsea's inside the mansion, that this is where he's brought her to lock her away and steal her phone. For no genuine fucking reasons. 

I release a breath, and with it, a smidgen of my anger. 

Keeping a clear head is vital because one way or another, I'm getting inside that house tonight.

"Okay," Noah sighs, slapping the steering wheel. 

Okay. Maybe he's a little more nervous than he's letting on, although with Maddie calling him every three seconds, maybe he's just worried that he's going to upset his girlfriend. Noah seems doting (whipped, not that I could argue) and I imagine this entire situation is stressing him out just as much as it's affecting me.

"Sure you wanna do this?" I ask. Either way, I'm doing it. 

"Yeah," he nods. "Yeah. Foolproof...ish." 

"He's out of his mind with Tony gone," I remind him. "Seriously, crazy. You should've heard the voicemails he left on Chelsea's phone. Don't let him pretend he's still as put together as he was when you were a kid." 

"Yeah," he nods again. "Alright, let's do this. Shit." 

"You're just as scary as I'm sure you were at fifteen." 

Noah laughs. "Mate, I wasn't even scary then. Covered myself in tattoos to try and fake it, but Damien see's right through me." 

Despite that particular admission, he still gets out of the car, shimmying past the land rover in the tiny gap that he's left for himself. He holds his phone up, sending a text to Maddie (I can't see his phone, but it's obvious) as he walks away from the car and towards the house. 

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