Chapter One

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I rolled out of bed, dropping on the floor with a loud thud that scared me awake. I jumped up and searched around already in this position I saw in this Jet-Li movie before. I don't know martial arts but they don't know that! That's when it registered to me that I was at home, not at school, so I was safe, kinda, not technically.

I'm currently squatting in my boyfriend's house. I turned around and saw the tattoed boy was still sleeping, a sigh of relief escaping my mouth. Louis was most brutal when he is woken early. He'd slap me across the head or push me across the room, a couple of times I went to school with bruises. I can't complain though because he loves me. He has to. He is the only one who was willing to put up with me after my parents kicked me out.

I crept around the bed and went to the bathroom, releasing my bladder then turning the shower on. I learned to always flush the toilet while the shower's running to drown some of the noise. Of course I was the type to brush my teeth in the shower since I was always running late.

The warm water started to relax me, threatening to drift me back off into dream land. I quickly washed up and rinsed off, afraid of wasting more time here then I really should. However I couldn't help thinking about my knight in shining armor. I always imagined him bringing me roses while I slept and tickling my face with the petals to wake me up. Our bringing me chocolates or something romantic, but I'm cursed to be with a guy that yells at me if I wake him up to early and who hits me if I come home too late. I looked out the shower to make sure he wasn't there before quickly grabbing my robe and running to his room. 

I grabbed my clothes out of my suitcase and started to change into my school clothes before heading off. Louis was never the one to drive me to school, so I always had to rely on walking. It didn't take much since the school was only a few blocks away but I always made sure to leave early so nothing happens on my way there. Needless to say I was nowhere near popular. I mean I had friends, Harry and Zayn for example and there was also the always elusive Justin. 

Harry was pretty much the scholar between us, Zayn the artistic one, and Justin just came and went whenever he wanted to. I was average. Just perfectly average. The guy who wanted to find the perfect love yet couldn't bring himself to leave his abusive boyfriend. The one who always shied away from the attention of others, unless it was the three above. Though nowadays people were able to manage a head nod from me.

"So still with the whacko?" Harry whispered into my ear. I jumped at my friend's voice. He smiled fondly at me, his long hair falling to his shoulders, with slightly curly ends. He looked at me with wild green eyes. He wasn't necessarily the adventurous type, unless there was a new learning opportunity involved. He was quite fascinating with the knowledge that he held. 

"Yes, I'm still with that, whacko?" I told him, trying to stiffle a giggle at the term he decided to use to describe Louis. He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, ending the conversation just that quickly because he always felt it to be futile to dwell too deep into it. We started to have an argument once and he immediately felt guilty about it and wouldn't stop apologizing to me for months. That was our last ever argument.

We walked up the walk way that led to our school. It was jsut there, staring back at us with it's huge glass windows. I never liked it here. There were a thousand Louis in there with only about fifty replicas of my friends. I walked inside with Harry and we traveled to our first destination, Zayn's locker.

The tanned tattooed guy was leaning there with headphones in his ears. He was bobbing and humming, everyone who walked by was staring at him in wonder. It's a norm here that everyone became addicted to Zayn, though he paid no attention to them at all. He only paid attention to us, a smile appearing on his face once we came into his line of sight. He ran towards us, holding up his iPod. He waved it with a huge smile on his face, the screen moving way too fast for us to see.

I grabbed his hand and held it still. I could see that the song had the title, 'BITCH I'M MADONNA'. I smiled at my friends obsession of the woman. He called her his Queen and he knew every song word by word. He looked at me with a smile as I smiled back at him.

He took the headphones out and embraced me in a hug. "It's been far too long!" He cried out.

"Yes, two days is such a killer." I joked. Zayn was too dramatic but his parents didn't let him do much. They were afraid that their free-spirited son would do something and go somewhere and never return.

"Don't be a smartass." Zayn said, biting at me. I laughed and pushed him away as he pulled my arm to force a hug on me. Everyone watched, jealous eyes all over the place. "You smell like fruits!" He told me.

"Zayn, stop being a weirdo!" Harry laughed, pulling him away from me. Zayn then wrapped his arms around Harry, inhalling deeply. 

"You smell like a forest!" Zayn said.

"And you smell like paint!" Harry said, making Zayn poke out his bottom lip. "It's not a bad thing. It fits you! Besides it totally makes sense with the paint you have stuck on your forearms." 

Zayn looked down to see the blue and black dried paints on his arm. He looked completely embarrassed as he blushed and walked away to the restroom with his head down. Harry and I started to laugh as we walked off towards the classroom. I missed and bumped into a linebacker on accident. At least that's what the insanely buff guy felt like. 

"Sorry." He said kindly. 

"No problem." I said as I turned to keep walking with Harry to class.

**A/N: So this is just the start of it. I hope you like the set up to it. Tell me if you do!**

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