Chapter Nine

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I stared into his sea green eyes, biting my lips. Did he know? Was he trying to get me to confess. Maybe I was just panicking. Was I the average type of whore that sneaked around my boyfriend's back? I believed so. It made me shudder because I wasn't, no never, wanted to be one of those types of guys. However I was completely terrified of Louis' wrath...that was reasonable right?

"Niall, you're awfully quiet." He said in that light skittish voice. His fingers came up and traced down my face, making a sigh of relief. I grinned at him, nervous and edgy but still smiling nonetheless. His eyes dimmed as a frown crossed his face.

"You're sad, what's wrong boo?" Louie asked feigning a worried expression. His fingers caressed my lips gently, tracing up my face, gently cupping it with his hand. He stared intently into my eyes, trying to figure out what was wrong.

I swallowed hard, nervous from his genuine display of affection. I looked into those sea green eyes and whispered, "Nothing, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He asked, his brows furrowing as he leaned in closer.

"Yeah, I'm just peachy." I said, sitting up straighter. Whatever was up with Louis I'd be damned if I were to mess that up.

My phone went off and I looked down at it, checking the message from Liam.

Hey Ni, arcade tomorrow?

I quickly swiped 'yes' before going back to the guy before me. Louis was being completely different, sweet actually, though borderline creepy from the fact that he has yet to blink.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked me. My eyebrows rose at the question. Maybe I died in my sleep? Maybe I'm still asleep?

"Umm, let's have-" I tried to think of something to do today, nothing really coming to mind. "Let's have a game day?" I said, the arcade fresh on my mind. Damn that was awkward, to play games with a person one day then the arcade with another the next.

"Sure, does C.o.D. sound good?" He asked, a smile creeping up on his unshaven face.

"I suck ass at that game but you're worse." I joked, pushing him past me as I walked over to the door, opening it slightly. He got off the bed and followed me. He plopped down on the couch next to me, scooting closer so that his body heat radiated off of him and unto me.

He turned on the PlayStation 4 with the remote he grabbed from the table, passing me another one. He looked at me as I turned it on. I turned towards him, his eyes crinkling as he smiled at me.

I leaned against him as I picked my class with the best weapons. At least best for me. Louis had a habit of laughing at the fact that I was a pistol freak. I usually messed up with semi's, so I just used the perk that allowed me to have two primary weapons. Pistols were a boy's best friend.

He then backed out and went to zombies, opting to creep me out instead of play against me. I nudged him in the shoulder and he grinned, sticking his tongue out.

We started playing the sound vibrating off of the walls, though I'm sure I was louder than the television. I screamed from the zombies that popped out of nowhere. I was terrified of the fact that they chased me more than they chased Louis.

"It's because you're so attractive." Louis said.

"It's because they're creeps-OH MY GOSH KILL IT LOUIS!" I screamed. I tapped the trigger button like a maniac, looking around the place as I spun and shot.

"Stay still!" Louis yelled, trying to catch up to me. His character ran across the screen, shooting in my direction as I ran around. I was low on ammo so I was trying not to cause too much trouble as I ran away.

Louis stayed behind me afterwards, shooting all the zombies that I missed, his laughter filling the room as my screams increased.

"You're too cute!" Louis chuckled, looking at me. He pulled me into a hug and I leaned on him as he threw an arm around me and continued playing. I felt at peace with the fact that there was no fighting. Only just enjoying each other's presence.

It was even like that at night and during the morning I was even more surprised to see that he made a full fledged breakfast. Not the average little breakfast but all out.

There was bacon, eggs, grilled cheese, toast, blueberry muffins, sausage, biscuits, hash browns, pancakes, waffles, potato wedges, grits, freshly squeezed orange juice and a glass of milk.

I stared at the food in disbelief. "Umm what's the occasion?" I asked him, staring at the full buffet.

"Just eat." He said, clapping his hands together with a huge ass smile. I nodded, never being one to deny food. Especially food that's all for me, that's this good.

I sat down and started to munch out, enjoying each and every bite with a huge smile. He actually knew how to cook like a chef which was surprising because Louis never cooked. Like ever. So I watched him the whole time we ate, waiting to see what he was going to say. Finally he looked at me and frowned.

"Niall I have to leave for a couple of weeks for a business trip." Louis dead panned.

I placed my fork down and looked at him in utter sadness. "When do you leave?" I asked him.


"Well damn."

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