Chapter Thirteen

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**A/N: Sorry guys but I think I'm kinda extending this story more than needs to be. So I'm ending it at chapter fifteen. Not to mention it's lost a lot of readers! So enjoy the last couple of chapters. Sorry Kadie!**

I stared at Zayn's brown eyes as he bit his nails in frustration and anxiety. I was mesmerized by his ability to be nervous, mostly to be nervous because of Harry. He was pacing now, looking at me as if he wanted to say something but then stopping and thinking better of it.

"You know I'll never learn nothing if you don't chat with me I'll never know what's going on." I told him. He paused to look at me with even more intensity.

He chose his words carefully as he spoke to me. "Do you think Harry actually likes me?" He asked.

I stared at him, dumbfounded by the random question. I knew it had something to do with Harry. I just didn't know what exactly. I figured they did something and he was worried about Josh discovering their dirty little secret.

"Of course he does you big idiot. It's been painfully obvious since the first day we met you." I informed him.

His face fell, the colour draining as he sat down on the couch. He scratched the unshaven stubble on his face, looking at me with shocked brown eyes. He rubbed his face quickly, annoyed with himself for being so oblivious. I sat down next to him, not sure I could handle keeping anymore secrets as he said, "I'm too late now, he has Josh."

I decided flat out telling Zayn about Josh might be bad so I decided to lie just once more. "I hear that they are on the fritz. Harry would never admit it to other people but he's told me about the constant fighting that goes on behind closed doors. I say you should be the one to catch him when shit hits the fan."

"You think that can work?" He asked, hope alive in his eyes again. He leaned in closer and I laid my hand on his shoulder, massaging it with small circles. I nodded slowly, knowing without a doubt that it would work. After I cued Harry in on Zayn's little confession I knew he'd stage some dramatic breakup. Then he could also help me breakup with Louis. I figured it was the right thing to do since I was inexplicably and undeniably in love with Liam. Every day with him has been better than the last, so many smiles crossed my face that I feared it'll get stuck that way like the Joker. I received so many flowers that their aroma stuck to my clothes. There was no tears or bruising. Only care and nurturing as I slept in his arms every night, safe and protected and I woke up to loving brown eyes every morning.

"Are you thinking of Liam again?" Zayn broke through my thoughts, his eyes looking on me intently. "I think it's beautiful how you two look at each other. Does Harry look at me like that?" He asked, falling back on the bed. I laid down next to him, staring up at the ceiling in my bedroom.

" Harry is the type that steals glances when you're not looking." I answered his question.

"So why is he dating that guy Josh then?"

"Because he figured you didn't like him. So he gave up."

"But I do!" Zayn cried, turning over so that he was on his side and I was still on my back. "I care so much for him that words can't even explain it. I just don't know how to react around him, he gets me so choked up. The way he smiles and his eyes seem brighter and there's those cute little dimples of his that appear and just makes me smile." He said, dragging his hands down his face.

I looked sideways at my friend, a faint smile on my face. "How about you confess your true feelings to Harry and I'll confess my true feelings to Louis."

Zayn's eyes widened at the notion. "Niall, you can't do that. Especially not alone. He'll murder you."

"I think I'll be safe, telling him from a distance that is." I admitted. Honestly I didn't want to tell him anything at all but that would've been rude. I didn't want to even see his face. I tried to toughen it out however because Liam suggested that I do it, besides the fact that I was totally against it. "Besides Liam will be with me."

"Liam?" A familiar voice startled me, making Zayn and I both look at the doorway.

Louis was there in his black Gucci suit, his tie was the equivalent colour of his eyes. The suit was a tight fit, making his lean muscles more pronounced as those sea green irises flared up. He took slow calculated steps towards the bed we laid on, stalking towards us with a predatory glance.

"Louis." Was all I could say. Zayn looked petrified as Louis eyes fell on him. Louis slowly loosened his tie as he smiled at me.

"Speak." Louis said calmly.

"How was your trip?" Zayn asked quietly. Though Louis didn't physically look threatening it was the simple fact that he could kick Zayn and my behind if he truly wishes to, which the look in his eyes said he truly did. Without warning he grabbed Zayn's leg and effortlessly pulled him off the bed with one yank. He was kicking and trying to get a good position so he can regain his balance but Louis was stronger. I tried getting up to help him but the look Louis gave me made me freeze.
He pulled Zayn out to the hall and I looked over to see my cellphone on the dresser beside the door. The door that Louis just walked through and locked, sending a shiver down my spine. He looked at me with a fire in his eyes, the tie still in his hands. Zayn was pounding on the door, making me flinch with each thud. Louis was wrapping the tie around his hand calmly.

"I'm going to ask you again, who is Liam?" He asked in a surprisingly deep voice. His head tilted sideways as his nostrils flared. I was sure my gulp was heard around the world. Zayn's cries echoed throughout my mind as Louis stalked closer and closer, until he was climbing on the bed and I was sinking away back into the headboard. I yelped as I realized I was trapped. I yelped because from the look on Louis' face, I knew he was prepared to kill me.

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