Chapter Five

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Dear Diary,

He's my knight! There's no doubt about it. He's going to save me from this relationship and free me from the shackles that bind me to Louis. Hell who knows, maybe with his help I can get Harry and Zayn together. He's one of the most loving and caring people I've ever met. The way he panicked over a little cat scratch (Though I'd admit that damn cat has claws like a mountain lion) was so cute and touching and I feel like my insides are going to explode from all of the gushing! I can't wait to see him at school.


Niall Horan

Or at least that's what I would've written in my diary if I owned one, but since I had a fear of Louis finding it I vowed not to get one. At least not until I get out of this place. I pulled on my clothes as Louis walked back into the room. He walked over to me with a plate in his hand, handing me breakfast. I froze at this gesture because I never expected him to do this. He hasn't done this for me in months.

"Umm, what's happening?" I asked him.

"Niall, I can't just bring you breakfast?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. He sat down beside me and I looked down at the plate of eggs, bacon, and waffles. I stared at it and he took the plate from me and started to eat some. "I mean if you don't want any."

I took the plate back after he took a bite from everything. I thought about the fact that it obviously wasn't poisoned and started to eat it. He looked at me with a smile as I started to devour the food before me. He looked at me with those adoring sea green eyes and I started to blush from this mysterious person. 

"What are you up to?" I asked softly, raising an eyebrow. He looked at me with a curious gaze. Then laughter erupted from his lips before he walked off, shaking his head in disbelief I believe. I hurried with my food and ran out the house with my bag, which led to the second surprise of Louis kissing me before I left the house.

On that note I got to school faster than I ever did in life. I met the other two at our lockers and they looked at me in concern from the look on my face. "Ni?" Harry asked.

"Louis has been kidnapped and replaced by an alien!" I told them.

"Wait, what?" Zayn asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Louis gave me breakfast. Well he actually made it, which is the scary part. At first I thought he was trying to kill me but then I saw him eat it, which means he was still alright. It was just confusing because Louis doesn't cook. Especially if it's for me!"  I ranted.

"Awww, that's-"

Harry cut Zayn off by saying, "Highly disturbing behavior!" Harry said, holding his hand over his mouth.

"I was thinking that." Zayn said, pointing at Harry.

Arms clasped around me and pulled me back. "What are we talking about?" Liam asked, confusing me with the whole arms around my waist thing. I felt completely confused and then I saw Harry who was edging me with his eyes. I grabbed Liam's hands and looked over at him, smiling at him kindly. 

"So want to do something after school?" Liam asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ummm, do you guys all want to do something?" I asked. I looked towards Harry who's eyes immediately understood as Zayn started to shake his head no and  Harry elbowed him.

"Sure." Harry said, nodding enthusiastically. 

"Okay, well, ummm...I'll set something up I guess." Liam said, a look of disappointment on his face. I looked back at him in sympathy as he walked away.

"Ohh, damn, is he mad?" Zayn asked.

"Zayn, he wanted a private date with them two." Harry said, catching on faster than oblivious Zayn. "Which begs to question, why won't you?" He asked.

"Because there is no way I'd be caught alone with Liam if Louis shows up. Yeah, he might be sweet like a cupcake at the moment, but he could totally destroy me if he saw us together." I explained.

"Ohh, so it's a group date to keep you two a secret." Zayn said, finally catching on. He nodded and started walking towards his own class and I looked Harry.

"He's always been this clueless huh?" Harry asked me.

"Well if he hasn't realized your obvious feelings for you yet I have no choice but to admit he doesn't realize anything at all." I confessed as we walked to our first class.

"How do you fell about Liam, hmmm?" Harry asked, his eyes lightening up as he smiled at his thoughts about Zayn. He looked at me with glazed over eyes and I smiled at my love-stuck friend as we sat down. He smiled at me as I walked over to my desk. He sat down beside me and we stared at the front of the classroom.

"So back to this Louis thing!" Harry started. 

"Words can not describe!" I yelled, clasping my hands over my mouth once I realized I actually yelled it out. Everyone in class looked at me with confusion as I smiled awkwardly, looking at Harry, who smiled and added, "This freaking class! It's too much work and it's driving me crazy!" 

There were slight mumbles of agreement as I looked back at Harry who was now pulling out his stuff. "You spoil me." I told him.

"Hell, someone's got to." He said, staring quizzically upfront. "Though now I think Liam is trying to steal my job. Maybe I should get rid of him before he steals m best friend status." He joked. "What do you think? How would you dispose of a guy that's got ten times the muscle of you?" He asked.

"What do you think Liam looks like shirtless with all of that muscle?" I asked him.

"What do you think Zayn looks like shirtless with all of that leanness?" He asked me.

We both smiled at each other as we said in unison, "HOT!"

**A/N: So the Narry bromance is at a all time high because they are adorable friends!**

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