Chapter Two

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Zayn was sitting there dancing around in circles, gyrating his little hips stiffly to the rhythm of whatever he was listening to. He shaved his hair and dyed it white blonde in this little rocker phase he was going through. He looked rather attractive with it and it annoyed me that he could pull off any color. You know how difficult it would be if I tried to pull of a color like blood red or royal purple or even that lime green he had last week?

"So what do we do now?" He asked me. Harry was leaning on a children's playground, a novel in his hands. Pride and Prejudice. I honestly found the book to be completely annoying. I thought Mr. Bingley was completely stupid for following up Mr. Darcy. The Bennet sisters were no better because they were too eccentric to actually be in public and it was all just one huge mess.

I sat down before my friend, letting my fingers trail across his pages to mess him up. Harry couldn't help but laugh because he knew he probably shouldn't be reading anyways since the sun was going down and he could threaten his eyesight. He placed it down and looked at me with a smile on his face.

"I seriously don't see why you two don't date." Zayn said.

I looked at Harry who looked down at his feet. Harry had a complete devastatingly heart wrenching crush on Zayn. He used to flirt all the time but Zayn was so oblivious to the advancements that he just quit trying. Now Harry just sit there admiring Zayn from a distance without it being reciprocated. He smiled at Zayn then before I took over the situation.

"Eww Harry and that long hair, like no. It would never work!" I said, pulling at Harry's long locks that curled at the end. Harry looked at me, smiling quickly before turning to Zayn.

"Yeah, and Niall's kinda hairy so that's a turn-off." Harry said. I flicked him off and Zayn started laughing at us.

"Well I guess that means I'll totally have a chance if it ever came to that." Zayn joked. Harry's ears turned pink and he looked down at his feet before looking at Zayn and smiling weakly.

There was a rattling on the fence as the huge linebacker walked by again. He was dragging his hand on the fence and I looked up and watched him as he watched us. He had these soft brown eyes that betrayed his brute of a body. He was mainly focused on me and I on him.

That's when I heard his voice. I turned to hear Louis screaming my name and the other boys froze in place. Harry eased himself away from me, leaving me alone. I didn't blame him though because I would've done the same thing if the roles were reversed.

Louis stormed over to me, wrapping his hands in my hair and pulling me up. "Why aren't you answering your phone?!" Louis yelled. I clenched my eyes shut, trying to ignore the pain.

"Aye!!" Zayn yelled out, snatching his headphones out. Harry looked shocked but scared of what Louis would do to him. Zayn ran forward and I screamed right before Louis punched him in the face, sending Zayn to the ground. He was a sweet guy but he wasn't able to protect himself at all.

I saw the big guy come around the corner towards me and I shook my head at him, forcing him to stop. I pulled on Louis' hand out of my hair and walked off.

Louis followed me towards our, no his home. A steady stream of cuss words were flowing from his mouth as I was reprimanded for being late. More like not telling him where I was. Maybe not coming back right after school. He really liked knowing my exact location.

"I'm home, so you can relax." I told him. I turned around and his palm connected with my face. I looked back at him in disbelief as he brought his arms around me to hug me.

"Gosh, I was worried sick." He told me. He was rocking me side to side, trying to reassure me that everything would be alright. I was biting my lip in a mundane effort not to cry. My cheek was still stinging like tons of tiny needles purging into it.

"Louis you hurt me." I whispered.

"I know, I'm sorry." He whispered back. He tried to kiss me but I pulled away and walked away. He let me go to the room with little to no resistance as I pulled the blanket over me. I couldn't believe he hit me. He might have treated me rough sometimes and yelled but he never flat out hit me. I let my eyes close as I drifted to sleep from it.

This time I was on the ground, the large tower behind me. There was a collar around my neck, holding be in place. There was no way I could leave this area, ever. I grew accustomed to it however, just relaxing in the warm breeze.

A horse was trotting off in the distance. More like towards me. There he was again, the knight in shining armor. Once he was closer he got off of his horse and walked towards me, his armor clanking with each step.

He sat down right in front of me, waving slightly. I still couldn't see his face but I was alright with that. "So who are you?" I asked him.

"Just your imagination." He said softly. He seemed so calm about the whole situation.

" My imagination is a guy in armor? That's quite dull." I whispered.

" Why would you want a knight in shining armor in your dreams?" He asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders, smirking a bit. "I can't believe I'm talking to my imagination but anyways I hate my relationship." I told him.

"Then fix it." He replied.

"I think you know exactly what to do."

**A/N: like it? Already have an average of 35 readers yay me!!**

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