Chapter Eleven

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I squealed in excitement as I told Harry and Zayn, their faces filled with pure delight.

"That's so amazing Ni!" Zayn grinned, slapping my arm. "I'm so glad you and Liam had a blast!"

I turned to Harry who was looking at me with a grin on his face, his body bouncing up and down with excitement. I narrowed my eyes in on him.

"What are so happy about?"

He shook his head and I raised an eyebrow. Zayn looked confused, like always, and turned to Harry. Finally his excitement boiled over and he yelled, "I have a date!" He screamed.

"Oh my!" I said, getting happy for the two before me.

That was until Zayn asked, "What?" I paused then. If Zayn was confused he wasn't the guy and that meant that Harry had moved on. I looked at Zayn and a flash of disbelief and anger flared in his eyes. "What do you mean a date?"

"You know, two people, going somewhere, kinda like Niall and Liam."

"Who's the guy?" I asked.

"His name's Josh." I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by Zayn abruptly standing up and walking off.

I watched him leave before turning back to Harry. "Isn't Josh your cousin?" I asked. "That's the only Josh I've ever heard you speak of."

Harry's face lit up in excitement. "Did you see that? He walked away jealous! Oh my gosh Niall do you think he likes me?"

"Wait-what?" I asked, looking at Zayn's back as he left our lunch table outside to go inside the school. I watched Liam come towards us, glancing back at where Zayn just left before sitting down.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Harry's about to explain." I said, turning back to the curly haired boy.

"Well my cousin Josh and I concocted a plan to make Zaynie jealous. We would pretend to be dating." Harry said excitedly. "Well he'd be jealous if he liked me."

"That's smart." I told him. "Yet gross. He's your cousin."

"Well it's not like we're going to snog or anything of the sorts."

"This could go very bad for you you know?" Liam said, placing his arm around me and pulling me in closer. He peppered my cheek with kisses, making me blush and Harry squeal.

"I want that so badly Liam! I don't think it'll fail. Zayn looked so hurt and upset once I said it. I don't want him to be upset or hurt but I'm hoping he'll confess his feelings for me. I know it's not one sided now but everytime I tried telling him my feelings it just went right over his head."

"Maybe he's shy." Liam offered up, making Harry and I freeze. We looked at him with incredulous faces before howling in laughter. He looked confused by our sudden outbursts. "What?"

"Zayn wastes no time telling us about whatever new guy he's banged weekly. He's a man-whore." I informed him.

Liam nodded slowly, looking sideways at me, then at Harry. "How do you know he's not just wanting sex?"

"I don't." Harry said, clapping his hands together. "That's what makes it great."

"The uncertainty?" Liam asked, raising an eyebrow. "Isn't that what most people are afraid of?"

"I'll take Zayn anyway I can get him?" Harry offered up, shrugging slightly. I knew that was dangerous. Harry would literally give himself over to Zayn even if it was just a one night stand. I never thought Zayn would do that to Harry but the thought did stay in my mind. I'm sure Harry would break if that happened, despite the facade he was putting on for us at the moment.

"So what's going on in your lucky couple life?"

"Well I'm staying with Liam for the time being." I said. I jumped up, twirling in circles as I grabbed Liam's shoulders and pulling him up to dance with me. He laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. We just danced side to side in our own little waltz as Harry hummed lightly.

Once we were done Liam dipped me down gracefully, planting a kiss on my cheek. "And if I asked why you decided to dance?"

"The same reason why you kissed my cheek." I whispered.

"Because I l-" he cut himself off by kissing me again before lifting me up. "Class is about to start, so I'll see you after school alright." He said. I nodded and he walked off towards the school, much in the fashion that Zayn left Harry.

"What just happened?" I asked as Harry looked at me with a questioning gaze.

"Umm, I think he choked up." Harry replied.

" He almost said he loved me, that's what." I whispered.

" Yes, until he choked up and left."

"Why'd he choke up?" Harry asked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe I should say it first."

"No, he almost said it! He'll say it first just give him time!"

"Why is there so much drama over one silly word? Like it's only four letters! I can see if it was a marriage proposal. Hell, I'd freak out as well. But it's just him saying he loves me and I love him too so!" I froze and looked at Harry who had a sly smile on his face. "Holy fuck, it's true! I do love him! What do I do? My stomach feels weird!"

"Those are butterflies my friend. You do nothing. Not yet. Okay, give him two weeks. If he doesn't say it then you take him on the best date of his life and you tell him!"

I frowned at the time span. "One week! I really want to say it!" I giggled and froze. "Oh my he makes me feel like a girl!"

"Oh gosh, I can't help with that. They're too confusing, especially on their periods. You can't tell if they love you or want to slit your throat, put you in a bag with rocks and sink you in a river." Harry said as the bell brought us out of our seats and we threw our stuff away.

"I wonder why it hurts?" I asked him.

"You try having a Niagara Falls of blood coming out you and ask that again." He said, frowning slightly. "Poor things." He tsked. I nodded and agreement before he asked, "Wait, why are we talking about periods again?" I shrugged, forgetting how we got on the topic in less than five.

"I'm gonna make Liam confess his lkve for me."

"I shall make Zayn do the same." He said as we pounded our fists together in agreement. We had a plan. Two very stupid plans but plans nonetheless.

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