Chapter 6

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The next morning arrived and we were all in the van on our way to the dance studio to rehearse for the tour. We all talked about last night and how much fun we had. We really got to know the other band and we really got along with them.

"You guys I really like them, they're so cool!" Normani said. "Yeah and Jenna is totally my new bae! She's hella funny!" Dinah said laughing and thinking back about some of the things Jenna said and did last night. "They're all really amazing and we really like them all, but I think Lauren over here likes (Y/N) the most." Camila said wiggling her eyebrows making me blush. " Aww so you actually do like her? That's so cute! I ship you guys."Ally said smiling at me. "I wanna be your made of honour!" She added excited. "No me!" the rest of the girls quickly shouted. " You guys! You're looking way too far into the future, (Y/N) and I aren't even dating! I don't even know if she likes me back!" I interrupted their bickering.

"We're here girls!" Big Rob shouted from the front of the van before the girls could say anything. We all got out and walked into the hallway of the dancing studio and heard music playing. We all looked at each other confused as our choreographer Sean walked towards us and greeted us with a hug. "Hey girls, you guys are a bit early. Some of the your opening acts are already here, and after you there's one more who is yet to come. So let's go guys." Sean said and walked in front of us to open the door of the dance studio, where the music from before still was playing and laughing and loud talking was heard.

The girls and I walked in and saw, to our surprise, RIOT! and Bea Miller. It looked like we just walked into a circus: Dave and Nicki were trying to walk on their hands, but failing and falling onto each other on the floor. Jenna was drawing things on the face of a sleeping Josh that was on the ground with her lipstick. And (Y/N) was dragging Bea over the floor across the room by her feet while laughing.

Sean walked towards the speakers and turned the music down, which caused Josh to wake up and all six of them to look at Sean and stop what they were doing. " REALLY YOU GUYS? I CAN'T EVEN LEAVE YOU ALONE WITHOUT YOU STARTING A MESS? I ONLY WENT TO THE BATHROOM FOR 5 MINUTE!" Sean said throwing his arms dramatically in the air. "Sorry Sean, we got bored." Bea said laughing. "Anyways Fifth Harmony, this is 2/4 of your opening acts: RIOT! and Bea Miller. The others will be here soon too." Sean told us. We walked towards them and gave Bea a hug. The girls and I stayed friends with her after The Xfactor so we were really close. We all gave each of the RIOT! band members a hug and when I got to (Y/N), we gave each other a shy hug and smiled at each other.

We heard the door open again causing us all to look at it's direction. "Hey guys I hope we're not late, traffic was terrible." a female voice spoke. "It's okay you're just fine, don't worry. Fifth Harmony, meet the other 2/4 of your opening acts: Natalie La Rose and Debby Ryan+The Never Ending. And you guys, these are Fifth Harmony of course and RIOT! and Bea Miller." Sean said. "(Y/N/N)!" Natalie said excited and jumped and koala hugged (Y/N). "Hey Nat." (Y/N) said smiling. "You guys know each other?" Ally asked. "Yes, back in the day when Natalie still lived in Amsterdam we hung out allot. My uncle and her dad are neighbours and I went there every summer till Nat moved to LA. We both started a career and kinda lost touch. Yet here we are again haha."(Y/N) explained."Okay enough of the reunion, let's get to the dancing. Simon wanted you guys all to start bonding so let's just have fun but keep it serious." Sean said clapping in his hands. (Y/N) slowly let go of Natalie which caused her to pout but made (Y/N) smile at her as an apology."Sean, not every one can dance. And by everyone I mainly mean myself." Dave said laughing a bit. "Just have fun! As long as you're trying, that's what it's all about. Come on guys." Sean said making us all stand up. "(Y/N), can you put something on we can dance on? The laptop is connected to the speakers so just type something in on Youtube and it'll work." Sean said walking to the stand in front of us all. (Y/N) nodded and did what was told and soon a familiar song filled the dance studio. Natalie started laughing and sang along to her own song that was playing, Somebody. "You just had to didn't you?" Natalie asked her as she walked back to where we were all standing to look at Sean. "I couldn't resist it. Sowwi!" said giving Natalie the most adorable toothy grin ever. Natalie laughed and we all turned our attention to Sean.

"And 5,6,7,8..!"

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